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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. Exactly what Granato was saying...too much thinking leads to hesitation. Last year they just played freely. This year they are thinking too much and it's causing a lot of issues.
  2. Unreal...another terrible turnover at center ice leads to the backbreaking goal to end it.
  3. Well damn...that was prophetic. Levi was reassigned to Amerks this morning hahaha
  4. Why is he still up here sitting on the bench when UPL has locked up the #1 job right now? Comrie would be fine to play the odd game here and there. Levi needs to be playing in Rochester consistently, he isn't improving sitting on the bench here. Unsure why they have him up here, he isn't ready right now. Too inconsistent. Kinda like UPL has been up until recently.
  5. Yes,the common denominator over the last 8 years when we have had 3 massive events of 6-7 feet has been record warm lake temps. Also the blizzard last year, which is widely considered the worst blizzard in US history in terms of duration, snowfall and sustained winds had the lowest pressure ever recorded with a land system and brought winds that peaked at 80 mph here. It was the only time in my life I was literally so scared that I stayed up all night because the house was making strange creaking, groaning noises that I never heard before and I was afraid it was going to come down
  6. It's no coincidence that wilder and wilder weather keeps happening, sometimes all at once. This is not "normal" stuff happening. A hurricane shouldn't ever go from a tropical storm to a Cat 5 hurricane in 12 hours. That's insanity.
  7. Texas had a real bad cold snap a few years ago when people ended up paying crazy heating bills since the demand spiked and the cost skyrocketed. People were getting 10K heating bills for the month or more because a bunch of pipes froze. Worst part is they were warned at least a decade ago this was an issue when it happened then during a cold snap but they did almost nothing to address it during the time in between.
  8. Yup, they got nailed. Hamburg was the big "winner" with 41.3 inches. OP got 36-40" depending on where. In my area in Depew/Lancaster we got 30", most of it coming from 4pm yesterday thru overnight hours. Made it look like I didn't even snow blow yesterday. Car looked like a shapeless blob with the snow on top
  9. With their record, just about anyone off the street could get ice time with them. I mean they have 23 points on the season putting them on pace for like 44 for the year...that's worse than many expansion teams were their first year. Granted, they hold the record for the worst full season points total in THEIR expansion season with 24, but they shouldn't be trying to recreate that.
  10. We've seen good stretches before. Can he start having more good stretches like this and less bad stretches like he has had? Typically it seems to be a 1:1 ration. We need to start seeing it become like 2:1 or 3:1 before I'd say he is making progress. Save percentage is still only .906 for the year even with the shutout today. GAA looking pretty good at 2.77 tho. Definitely improving from last year .892 and 3.61 but those are AHL goalie numbers to begin with. Now he is in fringe NHL starting goalie caliber numbers territory at least. Need to see him replicate a season with the numbers he had from that 9 game stretch a few years ago where he had a .917 save percentage. Now that would be very solid. Either way he has earned more playing time and Levi will have to be content with the odd game here and there until he shows a decline.
  11. Nice...I'm in that Depew/Lancaster area also... Yeah, you get to avoid a lot of snow headaches up that way, kinda jealous I must say...
  12. Also they haven't had many games with their normal lineup so far. Was a few months into the year with Quinn coming back until they had their normal lineup back...then Thompson and Tuch and Skinner got hurt on a rotating basis
  13. Oh? How many other goaltenders had seasons with a greater than .930 save percentage and how many times? Let's compare him to his peers then. They should all have similar numbers then right?
  14. This is one of those games you feel the Sabres could play 10 periods and still never score.
  15. No...that Demko isn't Hasek, but the Sabres are making him look like he is.
  16. Hasek had 5 seasons of .930 or higher with a .937 over a season being his high mark. His CAREER save percentage is .922
  17. His save percentage is .916 and gives up 2.55 goals a game. That's Ryan Miller territory. Certainly good but not Hasek like. We are making him look far better than we need to.
  18. The expected snow total for Buffalo has climbed to 31.0". Likely you are north of the city? Here is a link to the only place that matters during localized events like Lake Effect Snow for anyone interested. https://www.weather.gov/buf/Winter Here's one for ya.
  19. Sabres again making goalies look like the next coming of Hasek.
  20. 2 feet of snow and 45 mph wind gusts is going to cause whiteouts. Exactly what is overblown?
  21. I doubt you'll be flying in Sunday.
  22. Maybe...it's supposed to be pretty nasty out the whole weekend. Bills game Sunday could be an epic disaster
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