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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. Cool and rainy,and that's the good time of the year. I mean the average summer high temp for July is 73 in the warm places like London...if you are in Ireland or Scotland, likely mid to low 60s for highs.
  2. Considering hockey is the only sport where a top 15 drafted player is considered a good pick if he ends up being a 30 point 3rd line player that plays both ways, I'm not sure how you get to that on a 4th round pick.
  3. So does California, but the craziest place for that is countries like India and China where there are cities most people have never heard of that have 5-6 million people.
  4. That's because most of Buffalo's true population lives in the suburbs
  5. No it's pro lacrosse, so it's like the NHL version. I don't think there is an AHL version of lacrosse. Bandit games are BY FAR the most fun sporting events I have ever been at with constant end to end action. Basically it's like a version of hockey from the 1980s with tons of scoring and offense on steroids
  6. Yes...the Bandits averaged higher attendance than the Sabres this year at 16.5K a game and 18K for the playoffs including a full house last night. By far the highest attendance in the NLL. Calgary was in 2nd place at a little over 11K per game. The only 2 teams with more than double digit attendance average.
  7. Those outdoor goalies have to be colored purple from the bruises they must get for a week after the games. My guess is there are far more shots in box lacrosse similar to indoor verse outdoor soccer
  8. Yaaaaaa!!!! Back to back champions!! Game was pretty much never in doubt...Albany got it close a few times but Bandits responded like true champions and widened it back to 6 goals late in the game and it was pretty much done at that point... Love this team...they are special...4 straight times to the Finals winning the last 2...too bad the Bills couldn't have taken a page from that book...
  9. Just kicking some ass again all game... Albany has never even been tied since it was 1-1 in the first quarter...
  10. Albany had the second lowest attendance in the league this year with like 4700 average...Bandits led by a mile with an average of over 16.5K with Calgary 2nd at a little over 11K.
  11. Bandits whooped some ass in the 2nd half, only allowing 2 goals while scoring 7 of their own. Time to close it out at home for back to back ships...
  12. By going back to playing offensive Hockey
  13. Ruff is going to crack the whip but honestly the players need to be cracking the whip on each other, that's the only way it's going to work. Can they do that? Remains to be seen. They have all the talent they need. They need the mentality and the attitude.
  14. Damn...that's crazy athleticism in their family to have two pro players in different sports.
  15. Bandit games are the most fun live sporting events I have ever been to... That includes Bills, Sabres, Bisons and an assortment of other NHL, MLB and NFL teams as well. Honestly not even close IMO.
  16. What a crappy goal to go home for year on... Some weird bounce off the boards although it looked like they planned it. Nice move by Pastarnak, but still...
  17. 4th straight Finals appearance for the Bandits...hoping to win 2 straight and even their record at 2-2 over that time
  18. That's true. But you'll never know until you give them your notice and find out.
  19. And why should the employee trust the company is going to allow them to continue working there for 2 weeks and not tell them to pack their stuff and leave? The company wants the employee to think they act in employee's best interest when it's always the case they act in their own best interest.
  20. It's pretty funny. Companies don't give a crap about you when it's time to let you go and give you exactly 0 days notice most of the time yet they expect their employees to bend over backwards and "do the right thing" by giving them 2 weeks. Which some places will decline and promptly tell you to leave, essentially leaving you 2 weeks with no income. So why exactly is this still a rule? What's good for the goose is good for the gander. Maybe if people stopped allowing this nonsense to go on and just called them up and told them they aren't coming in and they quit they would think a little more about doing the same thing to employees. As it is they can play by whatever rules they choose but he employees are suppose to play tiddlywinks with them because it's "unprofessional" not to. Well, I think it's unprofessional when a company calls in employees that have worked there 25 years and sh!t cans them on the spot with no notice so they can pay the CEO more and upper management more bonuses. As always, they want their cake while they eat it too. Thank goodness more people are looking out for themselves first nowadays just like it always should have been.
  21. They should call themselves the Utah SaltLickers and have the logo be a miner licking a hockey puck made out of salt
  22. Dan Bylsma won a cup how did that work out? So did John Muckler and Scotty Bowman.
  23. That's kinda how they play all year and made the playoffs. Their goal differential was abysmal.
  24. That was an absolutely epic collapse by the Isles...pathetic...
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