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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. Not when you work remote and have flexible hours where you can pretty much do whatever you need to do whenever by just letting everyone know you'll be gone for x amount of time today
  2. Hopefully everyone reports back with all their digits still intact tomorrow.
  3. Some of them are cool when they have other vendors and food places and it's more of an event... The ones with just a few places selling overpriced local produce I could by in the stores coming from the same places for half price, I agree with. Oh man...some of those flavored popcorns are amazingly good.
  4. -French Canadians' opinion of themselves in relation to the rest of the world and especially the rest of Canada. Like seriously...maple syrup is great and all, but it's not that special and neither are you. WNY and places like the Adirondack region and Vermont have plenty of local Maple Syrup producers as well and nobody around here is walking around like they are Gods gift to the universe. Put your noses back down. -Pizza in most other places outside of WNY. When I say other places have very low standards, I'm not joking. Most places "best" pizza spot wouldn't even crack the top 20 in WNY. Have lived in numerous other parts of the country and sampled pizza in many places we have visited and it's sad when people form those areas consider Domino's one of the best pizzas. Now obviously I am not talking like places like NYC that have plenty of great locations or other such places. Seems to be more of a Midwest and South thing. Part of a group called Pizzaholics on FB and there are some truly frightening looking creations that are being raved about that make school cafeteria pizza from the 80s look appealing. And lots of places serve "large" pizzas that are like our small pizzas here but cost more. Used to wonder why so many Buffalo pizza places ship pies around the country...now I know. Pretty much anyone who is from Buffalo/WNY and lives elsewhere now on there talks about how pizza is trash where they are at and how they are still looking for anything even close to what we have here. IMO, it may be an unpopular opinion but our pizza might actually be better than our wings in WNY -MLB...does anyone even go to games anymore or watch them on TV? Can't remember the last time I watched a few innings let alone an entire game. Perhaps if I need a good afternoon snooze I can put one on someday. Not surprising it's dropped to #3 in the US behind the NFL which is miles ahead of the NBA in 2nd which just passed baseball. I'd even be willing to bet College Football draws more interest.
  5. Pretty easy for me. It was the day we lost both Briere and Drury needlessly on the same day. Still have never recovered from that singular moment in franchise history which is likely the biggest blunder.
  6. Yeah it was the same with the Bills until all of a sudden one day it wasn't. Now they are regarded as one of the best run franchises in all of sports, not only the NFL and have the 2nd best winning percentage since 2019 in the 4 major sports. I don't care when it ends, I only care they do it right so that it ends properly and with a team setup for many years of success. I can watch the Bills and Bandits make the playoffs til then. I don't think you are going to have to wait much longer regardless of how many new players they bring in. Just a hunch. Talent eventually overcomes any deficiency and they've got boatloads up on boatloads coming.
  7. Perhaps KA doesn't really play the game as a GM and says it's my deal or no deal and GMs are tired of it?
  8. The Caps made the playoffs...they weren't that terrible.
  9. Going to miss his skits...they were hilarious
  10. Maybe he should have cited Edmonton's inexplicable inability to score into wide open nets multiple times.
  11. The only thing worse than a Boston team winning another championship would be to have a Miami team follow them 2 weeks later. Both those sports cities can go suck it along with their entire fake ass fan bases(except the Red Sox fans...those are the true diehards in Boston)
  12. Sucks but that place was definitely in need of some serious upgrades.
  13. I mean sure, you could move to a place like Wichita Falls, TX which is pretty cheap...and that's because every 5-10 years a 2+ mile wide F5 tornado comes thru and levels the entire city. I mean you could save a few hundred bucks on a month on your mortgage and hope you don't wake up flying thru the air at 3am one night tho. Also in the cities that are "more affordable" in those places, the median income isn't all that much higher than it is in Buffalo, and in some cases lower. In the areas that are actually higher income, the house prices are much higher. The average house price in all of NC is 353K. Average house price in SC is 388K. Average house price in Texas is 348K. In the bigger cities, you are talking average home prices approaching 500K or higher, easily.
  14. Well, it's not quite as affordable as it once once. My house has close to tripled in value since I bought it in late 2005...not sure how that compares to the rest of the country, I am sure some places have done well more than that, but it's nothing to sneeze at either. There is a reason Zillow ranked us the hottest housing market of 2024 and it isn't because of the "gloom and doom" people want to believe in that hasn't been true for the last decade or so here even tho they desperately want to hold onto it.
  15. Depends if you decide to work a dead end job or if you have a job in fields that actually pay well. I live in WNY, work remotely and make well into 6 figures as a senior software engineer. WNY is becoming a fairly big tech hub as more and more companies move their tech hubs here and more and more successful startups continue happening with the help of 43 North and companies like ACV and Helix Intel making waves. The Doom and Gloom era is over here and any still wanting to wallow in that need to take their ass somewhere else because we don't need them here anymore. They are a part of the problem as to why it became that in the first place and the sooner they take that attitude somewhere else, the better.
  16. So weird...both Dallas in the NBA and Edmonton in NHL avoided sweep with huge blowout wins. Watch both go down in game 5 now after shooting their shot.
  17. Sadly I think Zach Benson is already the biggest "dog" mentality player on the team as a rookie.
  18. The Utah SaltLickers is what they should be called... They could have a hockey puck made out of salt they are licking on their uni's 🤣
  19. All around the world...same song. It's just the same old song... I definitely know someone in here plays the Keytar like in the video...who wants to confess?? 🤣
  20. New report out from Jeff Marek claiming Sabres don't have what the Canes want. Excuse me what? They have the deepest prospect pool in the league by a mile and the #11 pick.
  21. It might. Depends on the situation. I don't need to say McDavid is great. Everyone knows that. What I don't think enough people realize is the dropoff from McDavid to #2, who might be his own teammate in Draisaitl is like the dropoff from #2 to #100. He is THAT much better than the next closest player.
  22. The goal he scored looked like he was a grown man playing hockey with a bunch of 5 year olds in the back yard. He just made the entire Stars team look ridiculous. In a game the Oilers had no business winning or even being in, he provided both offensive plays for them to score the only 2 goals they scored. Yeah, the goalie I'm sure made some saves, but without McDavid, the Oilers would have been shutout.
  23. Last game it might as well been. McDavid was singlehandedly the reason they won that game.
  24. Edmonton outshot 35-10 in the game and wins 2-1. Unreal. Edmonton has the 2 best players in McDavid and Draisaitl. And McDavid is the best player by a wide wide margin over #2.
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