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Big Guava

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Everything posted by Big Guava

  1. Mutha Zucker with the PP tally!! 7th straight game with at least one PP goal now!
  2. Aka late night snooze fest.
  3. This is one of the most boring games I have watched in a long time. Literally nothing is happening.
  4. Typical Sabres Flyers game... Flyers look like they should win the Presidents Trophy and Sabres look like they never played hockey before.
  5. Sabres pulled a Belichick and got rid of a guy right before he falls off a cliff.
  6. That's kinda crazy because the games I remember were the ones where the Sabres got shellacked and either got shut out or scored one goal including one time where they played either back to back or 2 games within a week and got crushed both times.
  7. Speculation Edmonton is not happy with his lack of production and will be looking to move him soon... https://oilonwhyte.com/likely-trade-destinations-for-jeff-skinner
  8. Let's see how far they have come. This was a really bad matchup usually under Granato. Some of their worst games came against the Flyers.
  9. Ah...gotcha...so it's mostly a move to allow them to call up Kulich? Keep forgetting hockey and baseball have a retroactive IR whereas the NFL does not.
  10. Guess he won't be back the game after this one
  11. Interference that b!tch!!!!
  12. He was pushed into the goalie by the defenseman of anything.
  13. The workhorse!! From Whitehorse!!
  14. Also...how was that not interference on the Saint Louis player against Bryson on the second goal? He literally impeded his ability to get to the puck after the dropped it back...that looked like blatant interference to me.
  15. Can't get a goddamn save when we need one to save our life
  16. This is the type of crap that people throw about that is so tiresome. How many times do teams bring their "A" game? Not that often over a long season. Maybe 20-25%? If you think otherwise you are lying to yourself. At the end of the year, nobody asks how, only how many. Points, Wins, whatever. Trying to do mental gymnastics to equate how a performance in a single game somehow relates to XYZ is a fool's errand that will have you going down a lot of rabbit holes if you let it. Could they play better? Sure. Like we didn't just watch them demolish teams the last 2 games. Thinking every night is going to be like that is just ridiculous. Let's enjoy watching this team figure out how to start winning consistently before we slam them for not getting enough style points while doing it.
  17. And empty net would probably stop just as many picks as Sandstrom
  18. The cluelessness of how you teach a team that has no idea how to win to win is stunning. Maybe if you were the Rangers who won the Presidents Trophy last year and got their doors blown off at home by the Sabres team that's the reaction that was warranted. Winning a game to have a 2nd 3 game winning streak within a 3 week period when those were almost unheard of under Granato is not the time to behave in that manner... Winning is a process...is has to be learned. These type of games help teach things and they help teach things more when they win because they could have folded and easily gotten down and lost but they didn't. Why you would do what you suggest to a team in this position right now is mind boggling.
  19. Shouldn't have let the game get to OT but they took care of business once it did... 2nd time in less than 3 weeks they had a 3 game winning streak. That's progress. Those were almost unheard of in these parts under Granato.
  20. You mean Gilbert? Gilmore used to be a CB with the Bills.
  21. Pretty impressive I must say...
  22. Loved to see this team still sliding to block shots and busting their @sses back checking to take away odd man rushes late in the 3rd up by 5 goals. That's how you build good habits. It doesn't matter what the score is, you play the same way every game, all the time until it becomes second nature and the standard.
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