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Everything posted by lowsabre

  1. oh gosh, I wonder what donny's gonna say tonight
  2. Lol, I wonder if someone could start some sort of YouTube show where they do a sarcastic commentary of each game on a livestream with a mic, headphones, and all. I guess the NHL would probably take it down for streaming the game though.
  3. I last checked on the score when it was 1-1, unable to watch till now. Why? what? how?
  4. Bills social media aced it here haha
  5. This is one of my favorite songs.
  6. anyone have experience with ruger mark IVs?
  7. For anyone who hasn't seen it, Hostiles is a great movie (Christian Bale).
  8. We've taken down top teams thrice now, let's now take the next step and win twice in a row 🙏 I have a good feeling about this one.
  9. The Sabres are like George in Seinfeld
  10. I really want a win here that announcer on the right is annoying me
  11. I'm excited for tonight. 3-1 victory prediction... 😊😉
  12. It's just morale. If the season was otherwise going great, one would chalk it down to that.
  13. I like watching football, but I love hockey. It's funny cause I never played proper hockey (street doesn't really count), but I did play football. I like watching football, but I love hockey. It's funny cause I never played proper hockey (street doesn't really count), but I did play football.
  14. Yeah, but I was also only like 7 when the playoffs were last made, so hearing about the playoffs is like this is my normal
  15. Interested to know. Is there a form of masochism in supporting the sabres on a regular basis? I don't mean this in a bad way. Like if someone has been watching since we last made the playoffs. Watching losses on losses, and complaining about it, and then watching again. rejoicing in wins, but in a loss, feeling vindicated in pity? kind of like how your wife enjoys fighting for sport sometimes Has this ever been studied by psychologists?
  16. I'm not able to take this seriously cause it's just so ridiculous, like how do you even come up with that man was it spontaneous? did he plan it out? lol
  17. Probably the same reason we win more games away than at home.
  18. I can't wait for the Rangers and Bruins games.
  19. Others have responded, but I will add something. Western NY is the future-- A lot of the new and upcoming areas in other parts of the country are just huge cookie cutter spread out suburbs. The Rust Belt cities, at least in my opinion, have more of an authenticity in their infrastructure and identity. And don't get me wrong, this isn't an insult to the South, they themselves are often complaining about losing their identity or whatever to modern development. And... climate change, oh man, climate change. It heats up? Bring it, doesn't hurt us. Colorado, California, and all those guys are fighting over that drying river already. Fresh water, we have it all. We have no natural disasters and tons of beautiful nature right around and not too far away. And as annoying as it can be, we have the most famous city in the world in the same state, but far enough away to not physically impact us. We may some problems, but generally we are an educated, developed, and prosperous land of people. Life wouldn't be worth living without faults. I love this place! Special shout out to Rochester! Xerox and Kodak are some of the coolest corporate names, even if the latter is a ghost and the former... gone. The flour city, and the flower city! Ha! And even if I'm wrong, I enjoy having a stubborn loyalty to the place 🙃
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