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Everything posted by TRIP65

  1. Rochester Amerks and Buffalo Bandits too!!!!!!!!!!!!! Top 5 Woman Tennis Player as a Daughter yet Pegula knows nothing and is a Loser! If anything he hangs on to bad choices too long. Easy to see 2 years ago when he resigned the same team and it Digressed. Adams should have been gone before Granto!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. At First and then the Arena goes away, no more Concerts, Bandits go Stadium to costly for upkeep. The Pegulas are winning in Football, AHL Hockey and Bandits Bills sucked till they got Beane, he is the Key and a Good HC that might be evolving up in his 7th year finally! The key is getting Players that play consistently and TOGETHER. Sabres do NOT have that. There is Talent but much is the same. Top 2 centers are Tall and Lanky with shots but no much else. Defense has offensive guys, NO defensive stalwart. The rest of the guys are all tweener Wingers. I think McLeod could be something Different but have been moving him too much. Make him the 2nd Line Center and get him a scoring Winger Pegula is NOT the issue Adams is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Granto wasn't since Ruff is getting almost the same results. We have the PROOF. Pegula spends money, bought out Skinner Who makes these decisions???? ADAMS
  3. Like Gollisano did?
  4. Adams has to go. We have needed a Top 6 Forward for a few years now. You can't have 4-5 guys that need to score NOT score Cozens, Quinn, Benson, Krebs and Greenway (been hurt) Forgive Benson but he hurts us with the other 4's Failures Only 5 Offensive guys doing there job Tuch Tage McLean Zucker Peterka to a degree Dahlin just isn't making it Defensively!!!!!!!! Does anyone know for sure why he can't be a Center with his offensive Skill set. Then might be an asset as a two way Center. If McLean can't be 2nd Center then that is our 1st need but I would try for a week or two First line needs to go back with Tuch Tage Peterka. PLEASE stop playing with this line! Second line needs firming up Benson McLean Zucker Third Line Malenstyn Kulich Cozens Fourth line Lafferty Kosak Krebs Extra Quinn If Greenway back then he goes to 3rd line Greenway Kulich Cozens and 4th line is Malenstyn Krebs Lafferty Kosak goes back down
  5. Glad for UPL, first game he played OK. First two Goals he should have STOPPED. Was out of position on first, second, he had directly on him. Glad he won and could pad his STATS We have a Problem though, UPL always techincally is behind Levi. But he gets a game like tonight and you have Hamilton promoting him the WINNER Yet games before he would say UPL with bad stats played evenly to Levi LIES https://www.audacy.com/wgr550/sports/sabres/hamilton-luukkonen-comes-up-big-in-4-2-win-over-blackhawks Luukkonen is now 1-2-1 with a 3.26 goals-against average and an .895 save percentage. I would break the alternating goalie system and go with him again come Tuesday. Before this UPL was; Luukkonen is 0-2-1 this season with a 3.69 goals-against average and an .874 save percentage. That sucks UPL did not EARN the next game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UPL lost 1st 2 Goals. The Team won this game. UPL was adequate today but looked BAD every other game, even in Preseason. Why do you and Hamilton keep pushing UPL, when stats bad, and on game better trying to hide Levi? Sorry, Levi has been better at least 3 games this year. Last game had 5 goals on a 1 goal loss YOU'RE LYING AND YOU KNOW IT Levi has too be better but this season has played far better than UPL Next GAME, LEVI Trade Quinn and Cozens, doesn't matter what comes back Take Walhberg and Rousek if you can't get good players back Rather try new players and miss playoffs Top 6 wingers haven't worked. Keep Tage and Peterka. All others can go if needed
  6. Just one game, lets just wait and see what happens
  7. Sabres season end will be 4-6 Team in Conference I see 2 players gone Top 6 now and a new GM
  8. If Ruff allows Sabres to do this, all should be FIRED No way Ruff won't demand changes if Sabres don't project up Goaltending alone should prevent this 2 #1 defensive players should prevent this Ruff himself WILL PREVENT THIS RUFF will pick next GM Let McDermott Ruff is now THE MAN
  9. Well, Adams and Pegula made Ruff's hiring a MUST Pegula admitted, the past was a mistake, they had to prove to Ruff they would do what it takes to get to the Playoffs Guarantee RUFF didn't come back on for that, HE WANTS A CUP!!!!!!!! Ruff sees the TALENT but sees the FLAWS. 1/4 of the season he will DEMAND Adams change certain positions for new Talent Top 6 will be 50% different if they are NOT heading towards the playoffs before Trade Deadline!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. I see 2nd line of Quinn Somebody Peterka being the TOP scoring LINE by mid season Cozen destined to be Traded On a TEAM with no REAL Center, just a Bunch of Wingers Power and Dahlin are the Center 50% of the TIME
  11. 1 = 2 = 3 =4 =5 Gonna need each one to lead to 2 others that can help but these are the keys. Yes a ROOKIE is the KEY, the name less important
  12. Ruff does not know his Team yet on ice. That will happen after 25% of the season gone by. He will tap all he can from Rochester if needed. They have been going to the playoffs so there is Talent there! We have Goaltending!!!! Ruff will get this defense matched up properly so we have Defense He now has to find a 1C center that can bring puck up ice. This should NOT be Dahlin or Power. Those two should come in after Puck is set in offensive zone. This Team needs to see what they have in Bottom Two lines, it takes a few games to find out!!!!! ONLY two games on a NEW team for Ruff. Doesn't know this Organization, he was Fired by Pegula when he got here.
  13. You answered your own question We weren't good enough with Skinner and Middlestat, that wasn't going to change We all know we need a 1C, Tage is good but inconsistent. Not sold at all on Cozens. Not even sure about Tuch but at least I want to see what he can do with a REAL Center This team scored 2 years ago from Tage Tuch, Peterka will score and Quinn will too Bottom six is new, Those lines will gel quick enough Two games with the same team in Europe is NOT a good feel for what this Team is, nor was their 3-0 stompings in Preseason Ruff needs time to get to know his Players and Force Adams hand when Trades are needed Ruff will have Pegula's Backing!!!!!!!!!!!! Adams has NO collateral left
  14. NJ was a bad team to get 2X in a row They know Lindy well and they addressed some issues to the 2nd ranked Conference Team led by Lindy 2 years ago!
  15. They went to Europe and I bet Ruff has been viewing tirelessly the Video he has is short time on his TEAM Ruff does not know his players yet, NHL screwed him of his first normal preseason with his new TEAM No major trades and no Playoffs will have Adams gone
  16. He had no Preseason, 1-2 Practices. Often starts slow like the Rest of the team
  17. I said YES BUT Ruff will make it Close. Dahlin isn't this BAD Bottom Line was our best line against NJ, that won't always be the case. We have Very Good Goaltending, UPL alwasy starts a bit slow and LEVI is a STUD We need a #1 Center and he isn't in Rochester this year and NOT on the Team now.
  18. Tell me Tage and Cozens are True Centers. Neither can carry Puck past Blue line without losing the Puck or Knocked off. way less then 50% they succeed. Not good enough and NJ proved it. top Teams will knock them off if they know how to be Physical.
  19. Obvious now it is NOT a Coaching issue, Player Issue and that leads to the GM. Sabres have no Top 20 Player, gave it away to LV. So far Dahlin has fallen far short of the Talent we see. Sabres have no Center on the Top Two Lines. What I mean is someone who can consistently carry the Puck past the Blue line without losing it. Quinn is the closest! All truly Wingers!!! So Sabres need to find Centers to play with the 4 other players that remain from the Top 6. They have to Trade for ONE, I think it is time to pick a True Center ready enough to Contribute To me, Östlund or Wahlberg for 2nd or 3rd Line. Also temporarily use McLeod and put either of these guys on third line. Have to Trade for a Number 1 Center which we had Top 20 Talent before. Adam Henrique, go get him as a Rental for 1-2 years till Konsta Helenius or Kulich is Ready Lines would be then Tage Henrique Tuch Quinn McLeod Peterka Benson Walberg Zucker Malenstyn Lafferty Aube-Kubel Dahlin Gilbert/Clifton Power Joki Byram Samuelsson Greenwood, Bryson, Clifton or Gilbert Trade Cozens or Tage or Tuch. Also use Kulich, Rozen, Rousek if need. Krebs throw in any deal We need a TOP CENTER NOW
  20. Levi earned it to. He got6 hurt. Had a few bad games, not like UPL or Comrie didn't either. But he has time and Development if you can, never Hurts. Levi has a Top Pedigree, done right he will be GREAT!
  21. CAP goes up this contract looks better the in 4th and 5th year even as a Backup. Any Contract is bad if the player Flops or gets hurt.
  22. Ullmark was up and down and became something. UPL goes backwards he is worthless though. Not a lot of money though. You can always give a draft pick for a bottom team to take
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