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Everything posted by TRIP65

  1. Tell you one fact, Sabres would already be gone if Terry Pegula didn't show up. Be NO Harbor Center! Down town would be a Dead District and much worse looking!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. What does any of that have to do with many years later the Franchise is still Successful and has a Great Fan base??????? You blame him when there are others running the Sabres and you say he deserves no credit when he keeps a Franchise viable and winning Championships. YOU IN THE BOARD MEETINGS??????
  3. Prove he has interfered!!!!!!!!!!!! If I was Pegula I who sue you for Defamation of Character and make you prove your Statement. One fan that thinks you're WAY off. Think your purposely trying to get fan base to turn against and hurt the value so he has to sell, TRUE???????? SARC
  4. I see, Ownership drafted, traded and coached them up? Ownership hired the Coaches? Pegula may have hired Ruff this time with what is at STAKE and fact maybe Adams is on a Short leash!
  5. The Sabres were failing after 2007 and NOT signing either Center. Pegula would have got at Least 1 signed. He does that well!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. HE BOUGHT IT FOR $150 Mil and he doesn't have to sell it. His Ownership of Multiple Teams with success proves he can hire the RIGHT people. As far as the Sabres go, a lot of people that leave the Sabres have been good somewhere else so the Sabres do somethings right. You need LUCK when your losing. Bills hired a few Dudes like Ryan, Malarchuck, Few very strange GM's. With the Talent in the Amerks and the Right GM with Ruff, NOT far from becoming the Bills loaded with Talent for 10 years Don't LIKE THEM, STOP WATCHING!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. Bet he can spell it! Offer him up for a Trade, 2- 1st round picks and see how quick he is GONE
  8. Cozens is a 1st round pick with 30 goal season and almost made playoffs that season. Since Sabres are tumbling backwards. Can't afford to Develop players in the NHL right now. We need Consistency. There are a lot of teams that would LOVE to give Cozens a chance to win games in OT, which he use to do, get 30 goals again for $7mil a yr locked up where 30 goal scorers are $10mil plus and climbing. Unfortunately for the Sabres they can't wait with 13 years and climbing with no Playoffs! By the way he is also a young physical freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They don't grow on trees. Sabres have 2-3 of them.
  9. Scoring WIngers with 30 Goals are now paid $10mil plus. Cozens has been there. 30 year old Centers don't usually bring in high 1st round picks yet alone talent based 1st rounders in 3 players. Rosen is one of Rochester's best scorers and of age now to prove he is a NHL. Those don't come cheap!!!!!!! I have no idea what the hell you are talking about. Waive Krebs and watch how fast a Team like The bruins grabs a Cheap player with term and makes him eventually a Top 6 player. The Sabres are the Problem developing AHLers too Early as a NHL player cause they are scared to trade some for Top Talent. Gave up Savoy for McLeod, how is that trade value going?????
  10. What have you ever done in your life???? Pegula bought failing Franchises and one good one, The Bandits! Paid roughly 1.6 Billion in money. They are now worth over 3 Billion!!!!!!!!!!!! Got Bills a new $2 Billion Stadium being built here in Buffalo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Turned Bills into Perennial Playoff Contenders. Got us probably the most gifted QB ever to play the game!!!!!!!!!!!! He paid him as such too. Kept the Bandits Winners and Champions. Made Amerks one of the Top 5 AHL teams every year and a Very good source of qualified AHLers. Noted as Top most talented AHL Team His daughter, not super athletic, got the best training from her Dad that money can buy and is Top 5 in Woman's Tennis How about you?
  11. Try READING
  12. Maybe Pegula should have sold Bills year 16 of the Playoff drought??? Oh wait, Bills had Bills Mafia boosting the Bills Play. Sabres have a crying fanbase of semi losers compared to Bills Mafia!!!!!! Seriously, YOU ARE NOT A FAN OF THE SABRES IF YOU CALLING FOR THE SALE OF YOUR TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. Also Powers is 20 or 21, not his fault either and up in Top of League for offense defensemen
  14. Levi has done nothing wrong that Adams hasn't SCREWED UP. He is was great last 7 games two years ago. Last year he played hurt early, went too Rochester and played GREAT. The few call ups he had Levi we very Good, he is 22 years old with GREAT Pedigree and Performances for someone 21-22 playing in the NHL
  15. Adams behavior is due to the Fact Ruff is calling out his Players as being part of the issue. Quinn is Benched. Calls out scoring, pass plays and consistent effort. Ruff doesn't have to directly say Top 6 isn't good enough as is. Always praising the Bottom 6 and the 1-2 year players effort. Loves Benson. Adams is feeling the HEAT finally, has a very short LEASH with Ruff before he is in Pegula's office. I can see a, "it is HIM OR ME" scenario! Ruff really doesn't need this if this team is that far from the Playoffs. Stick around if they make it but this kind of Hockey SUCKS. Too up and down!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ruff's Hire
  16. Golisano ring any bells, Reigers. Ownership isn't the issue!
  17. This is a MUST. Ruff knows that too. He knew Adams and gave him a chance. This team is a #1 Center away and getting rid of 3 players too. Cozen's, Quinn and Krebs have got to go. Can't make up for these players lack of scoring. The others get better with them gone and new #1 Center making plays. How good would Tage Tuch and Benson be as a 2nd line!!!!!!!!!!! Got Peterka for the first line, true scorer with a real Playmaker Center. Interm you have Zucker too, maybe Kulich. Bottom 6 is fine with Greenway McLeod Zucker/Kulich. Bottom 3 can be Malenstyn Kosak/Rousek Aube-Kubel/Lafferty Got to be a way to Package Cozens, Krebs, 1st round pick and say a Rosen for a Top Center. Throw in Quinn too. Got to be Teams low with picks that have 30 year old Center and could use talented young players that need 1-2 years more Development on Top AHL lines or Bottom 6 NHL lines. Quinn needs Development and recovery from 2 Injuries (he some day will be great)
  18. Yes, the main Problem is Cozen's, Quinn and Krebs are not Good enough for Top 6. That moves in 1-2 year players who are NOT there yet. Add to that Tage is always hurt and Tuch really isn't a Scorer your Top line isn't up for 1/3 of the games they play to by #1 That means your #1 line really is a Number 2 Line and we have NO #1 line That is on ADAMS. He needed a #1 Center (Had in Eichel). Then Maybe a Peterka Works with a Zucker with #1 Center. Even Benson might work there instead of Zucker. I think as a 2nd line Tuch Tage Kulich would be Great. Number 3 Line could be Greenway McLeod Benson and so on. Can't have Cozen's, Quinn and Krebs on this Roster, maybe one of them but 3 is why we are terribly inconsistent! We are #1 Center away from being a Playoff team and 3 Dead weight players!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Pegula's don't interfere with Beane and McDermott Doubt Pegula interferes with RUFF
  19. Someone said the fact the Bills are great doesn't matter. Most certainly does when Every other franchise is Good too EXCEPT for the Sabres Argue the Last GM was OK but the Coaching sucked, that was why he got fired for getting that wrong Adams should be Fired not for the Coaches but his lack of doing something after Sabres almost made Playoffs and teams wanting some of their players. Been doing business at a Prospect High. Now, no one wants to come here Top 6 Talent wise. Adams needed to Bolster that Team with Top 6 Winger, Top 4 RH Defensive-man and Goalie. Basically kept the Team the same except for a few journey man. Got a Top LH defense-man next year and UPL developed, Levi went down. They changed the way they played and Lost! Again this year Adams only went Part way fixing Bottom 6 and Very good experienced HC to evaluate TEAM. Did nothing to FIX Top 6. "As long as your asking, I think I would rather have Eichel, Reinhart, Montour and Ullmark back and return Tuch, Krebs, Östlund, Kulich, Levi and anyone else we got for these guys. How about you? " Well, we lost with all those players too. Why we are still failing!!!! These Top 6 came closer to Playoffs then any of those guys did with the Sabres. Why, is a different story but that led to them being Jettisoned. Who did get rid of them, ADAMS. Who got that talent back, Adams! Have no problem with Tage, Tuch, Östlund, Kulich and Levi Have a Problem with Cozens, Quinn, Krebs and since they don't score having Peterka, Benson, Kulich, Kosak having to try to make up for this. Like Middlestat having to make up for no 2nd line years past. Why Eichel failed. Sabres need a Top GM talent who Evaluates Rosters properly. Adams just didn't realize early enough the Top 6 he picked weren't good enough. Even that is OK, replace them. Wait, you can't because they are signed long term. #1 reason Adams should be fired for signing them LONG TERM!!!! Two get hurt all the Time and one simply isn't Top 6 materiel! Tuch is a Good 2nd line player.
  20. Might be the BEST offensive talent but far from the best defensive talent. I do NOT understand why in a offseason he can't be made into a Center. Plays like one. Though that should Not be our #1 Center. Put him on line with Tage and Tuch #1 for now till we trade for a Top Center or get lucky Walberg or Helinuos.
  21. FIRE ADAMS and get a GM that has done it before and WON in some Major Sport Market. The Scouts do most of the Evaluation anyway. Course better if they are from Hockey. Also get President to oversee all Hockey Operations NOT a Owner. KEEP RUFF!!! He sees the PROBLEM.
  22. And Pegulas own Harbor Center. What other Owner would want that Situation????
  23. Buffalo has Canadian fans and Rochester fans that follow Amerks here. The Market for the Sabres is easy 3 Million People and only need 18K to fill Arena. 13 years is a issue. Also TV Coverage sucks and contained to Buffalo. The Online WR550 is cut out outside Buffalo. You have to pay for it. MSG has limited Coverage on Streaming. Sabres there is where they operate small time!!!! OK, How about the Bandits and the Amerks?? How about a Daughter in Tennis ranked Top 5??????
  24. How well that work for CLEVELAND
  25. Too early on Power, too young to call that. Tage at $7 mil is a steal, have too, move him to 2nd Line Center Problem is Cozens, Dahlin, Quinn, Samuelsson Move them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Or make Dahlin a Center in offseason. But if you can get something for him like Eichel and unload $11mil/yr. Do it. Should get a Top 6 winger or Center for Dahlin and a Prospect. Hell give them Dahlin and Cozens. Two problems gone!!!!!! Anyone would blame Buffalo over the Players.
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