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Everything posted by hockey

  1. "must have" "defensive corps"
  2. etienne has been a low-effort troll here for years. At least put some more effort in.
  4. Recipe for success: wear the black Goatheads tonight (and every other night)
  5. I don't completely disagree, but you set me up for a reference from one of the best movies of all time.
  6. I blame Sabretooth - get rid of him. Our mascot should be some badass sword master.
  7. Did I hear the PA do that stupid "WOOOO!" thing after the Tuch goal announcement? The way the Bruins PA has done it for years? The most annoying announcement in sports? How long has this been going on? We deserved to give up the goal right after that.
  8. Appy polly loggies (that's a Clockwork Orange line) Any theft was purely coincidental and subconscious - think George Harrison's My Sweet Lord situation.
  9. I'm 42, but I love classic TV and movies. I felt old in here when I understood the following M*A*S*H exchange between two other posters (I'm sorry that I can't remember who they were): A: Whatever, Winchester. B: I've always thought of myself as Trapper John. A: You wish.
  10. As in See You Next...?
  11. I can't trust any of LGR4GM's movie opinions after his Animal House debacle from years ago.
  12. Fair enough. Well, screw Ullmark in any case.
  13. I've never heard of a professional atheist - maybe Dawkins.
  14. Atheists instead of athletes might be an all-time Freudian phone slip.
  15. (and I lived in Los Angeles for 23 years - cloudless blue skies are absolutely boring)
  16. I think they get tired of this area when they see other players not giving a crap but playing in warm sunny places.
  17. I'm glad that we still have you and SteveOath from Scotland as foreign fans (Canadians don't count, they breathe hockey to exist) - I still remember that flapjack cooking dork who lost his mind when Ullmark ditched the team. Screw that guy.
  18. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/embrace https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/community
  19. And a Pittsburgh connection! They also gave Michael Keaton his start because they were clearly geniuses.
  20. This is why I still come to this message board, to learn.
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