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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Quick line changes please. No dead legs now.
  2. In addition, the results include how his team is playing in front of him.
  3. Goalies look a lot better when the players in front of them play better in their own end. See Ullmark.
  4. And don't forget they had a massive rally the last 5-6 weeks to get to 75 points last season. Progress this year for sure. Still, what bothers all of us is the poor play in their own end of the ice. The very high amount of giveaways. The panic moments when they cannot clear the puck for minutes on end. Every opponent runs them and it won't change until they become more physical and poised in the moment. I get the youth explanation and it's still a work in progress. They can finally score. Now to work on keeping the opponent from scoring.
  5. Have zero idea about the rules but I enjoy watching Rugby from Australia. On live now on FS2. Every guy on the field (pitch) is built like a brick shithouse and is tougher than a nickel steak. It's basically football from the 1920's without pads. Just nuts.
  6. Krebs hustles every shift..
  7. Levi is in goal. Will have to record the game.
  8. Check the dressing room for golf clubs.
  9. But Rob Ray is friends with " Matty " (Ellis). Sigh... Yes. We need to improve the PK, PP and ability to play D. Plus someone to provide directions to the weight room to our younger players that get pushed around every game. Nothing changes...until you try to change for the better.
  10. Agreed. As posted before, they are very young and will take a physical pounding until they do something about it. Weight room and mental toughness. New to them but they have to adjust for more success.
  11. I see special mushrooms are making the rounds again. The only reason for him to be in Rochester is to eat a Garbage Plate.
  12. Levi learing he plays for the Buffalo giveaways...
  13. Read this morning he was kicked off the team. https://apnews.com/article/carson-briere-mercyhurst-e1b457b3423fb4a5d5dad0f0dc55d6e7
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