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Night Train

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Everything posted by Night Train

  1. Notify me if any start jumping off bridges on TV. I'll pause it while I get popcorn.
  2. Philly fans are brutal. I remember when they were 2-2 after week 4 and the fans and media just crushed them. Fire the coach ! Then they finish 16-1 and hoist the Lombardi trophy. I guess Ohio St. fans are the same. Lose 4 in a row to Michigan and the lunatic fringe goes nuts. Then they roll over 4 teams in the playoffs to win the title. Oh...now everything is cool for at least a month.. LOL
  3. Adams seems to on the Run It Back bus with no other passengers. Muel, Power...they should be dealt for cap relief and I wouldn't miss them at all.
  4. Power, Samuelsson, Cozens, Quinn...they could all be traded. Byram is tons better than Power and was a great acquisition for Mitts. So many here panned that initially. He should be paid and move out the overpaid.
  5. Eagles D-Line was just incredible. Hope Beane took notes.
  6. All those Insurance ads . Horrid. I may buy a new shotgun to hunt emu's.
  7. What did Muel EVER do to earn an A on his jersey ???? Sell the most cookies ??
  8. I have a pup tent and a pillow in the trunk if the shelter is out of beds...
  9. NHLN was talking about it. Couldn't believe the lack of response.
  10. They are getting pummeled in the press and deserve it. Gutless is not a Culture that works.
  11. Samuelsson post game - " It's hard to play teams with an edge " I bet Ray just shook his head. 3 in a row . Whatever.
  12. Play goes on for 2 minutes without description while Dunleavy talks about Ray and soccer.
  13. Rangers get Miller - Report on NHLN
  14. Dan D is drunk. Said Nashville just tied the game.
  15. Noise is the internet. That's why thoughtful posters stand out with relative ease.
  16. That makes him a perfect fit for the Sabres.
  17. Nice. Make it hurt !
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