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Everything posted by Quint

  1. Buffalo seems to draft smallish skilled players year after year. And so the Sabres are usually last in the league in hits. I'd like to see at least one draft where they draft all thugs. Rob Ray, Barnaby, May and all those guys had a significant positive impact on the Sabres winning when they played.
  2. I'd love to see Josh Fleming make it.
  3. https://www.nhl.com/devils/video/highlights-sabres-4-devils-2-6337302879112 2 minute scoring summary.
  4. All these anal expectations are tiring me out.
  5. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/-G7qd1RUtdk
  6. Perreault smoked...many of the best old timers smoked.
  7. Brian Smolinski? He's long retired. Bitter grudges over the decades are the best. Someone should have wiped that smirk off his face at some point. Great stuff sir!
  8. I'd actually like it if Pegula sold the team, as long as they keep the Sabres in Buffalo. In fact I've been beating this drum for years. Until just recently, under the Pegulas the team has been an epic failure. He's had the opposite of the Midas Touch. They've made every mistake in the book with this team and that's undeniable.
  9. Still mourning Rick and will be for quite awhile.
  10. Thank you for single-handedly holding up the discourse in recent years, Mr. Expert.
  11. As Sabres fans, we've had the ownership rug pulled out from under us with Rigas already. Golisano was also a short-term thing, although he insisted the franchise be kept in Buffalo by the next owner. I just don't get the feeling that Pegula has long-term plans for the money-losing business of hockey. With all the ballyhoo about an expansion team winning the cup, I wonder how much the Vegas Knights actually made this year. Or the previous cup winners. Probably not much. I just feel really shaky these days about instability all over in our lives. My Post Office just closed overnight with no prior announcement...I also keep hearing fire truck and police sirens all day long, where it was a rarity before. We also have all these new gigantic apartment building construction all around us. Big and ugly. Who's moving in there? I think things are changing, and maybe not for the better.
  12. I was uncomfortable with Pegula not attending RJ Behind the Mic night. Instead, he sent a taped message. I can't imagine not going to RJ night unless it was a crisis. I know this will get probably me canceled, but it seems to me this says that Kim is permanently out of the picture, whether it's disability, divorce or death. Despite all the blathering about the French Connection, I wouldn't be surprised with the eventual Pegula-less Sabres and/or Bills.
  13. Great rememberance ceremony. Ripper has the best stories! As someone who has been here since the very beginning, this was so touching.
  14. Nothing specific, just incremental improvements. Keep improving the D and address the goalie situation by maybe getting a veteran 3rd goalie. I'm not big on home runs, which are low percentage. Singles and doubles. Remember Rene Robert for Eddie Shack.
  15. Poor Gilbert! 😭 Gotta love him. ❤️ Rest in peace Carmen.
  16. Ron ("Judas") MacLean recently made comments about Don Cherry's departure from the amazing decades-long feature "Coach's Corner" on HNIC. In my view, MacLean betrayed Cherry by not sticking up for him, and apparently still doesn't to this day. But he's still there and Cherry isn't. https://www.bladeofsteel.com/Ron-Maclean-breaks-his-silence-on-how-Coaches-Corner-came-to-an-end-267550
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