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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. This team needs more than a backup goalie upgrade and bottom of the roster tweaks. The core needs to be shook up. My recommendation....Jack stays(unless he taps out), Risto and Reinhart go.
  2. .and Kane, ROR, Kulikov, Sekera, Foligno, Peterson, Compher, Zadorov, Armia. Thats all I’ve got off the top of my head. 😂
  3. Yes...and it's sad that this was the biggest need last summer, and yet NOTHING was done to address it.
  4. I'm on record, unless Jack asks out, and the core needs a shake up(which it does), I put Reinhart and Risto on the block instead of Jack.
  5. Pegula going to Rochester for a game with the GM? He really has too much free time on his hands...and gives further credence that there is some level of meddling going on.
  6. If there are comparable grades among the top 5, I'd much rather go with a center or wing.
  7. I never cared for Jeff Marek who comes across as a I'm smarter than you "hockey know it all". I wouldn't send him to hell, but I would like to see him go over Niagara Falls in a kayak.
  8. Especially the big money deals. A good GM should be able to plug some holes with low end F/A's with low cost/term committments.
  9. Then I guess he is a "bad person". Bottom line....just glad he is gone. Is definitely in the running for worst Sabres HC in their 50 year history.
  10. I have no problem with Bryson going forward...as long as the 3 offensive minded dmen(Dahlin, Bryson and Joker) are paired with 3 defensive minded dmen(Borgen, McCabe, and ???). In this scenario Risto goes bye bye, and so does Miller(unless he becomes a 7th defenseman for his last contract year). ...and hopefully they can do this, pairing a lefty and a righty so no one has to play their off side....unless the blueliner in question is very comfortable playing the off side. No more trying to fit a square peg into a round hole BS.
  11. IMO who would agree to a 1 year deal to be an NHL HC? Just my guess but it would be a 3 year commitment minimum.
  12. I am a believer that the core has to be shook up in the off-season, and assuming Jack doesn't ask to be traded, and makes a full recovery, that Risto and Reinhart are traded in separate deals in the off-season.
  13. Once again, if all those players ended up in the lineup, Ray would have an aneurysm. 😂
  14. While I refer to him as a con man(which may have helped him in terms of getting hired for the job), I wouldn't call him a "bad person". Just ended up being a really bad hockey coach of the Sabres. Yeah...but has he ever pocketed a handful of sugar packets?
  15. I’m not sure how much it would cost to tear out the top 5 rows of the 300’s and put in standing room, but that would be awesome!
  16. Ive had it for awhile...and then it gets buried and I forget about it. 😂
  17. Reminds me of this book i have to read over the summer. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B085K6R2TR/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_awdb_imm_EY14Y6KRGYQB0846DV9Z
  18. Joker Dahlin Bryson Miller Borgen Samuelsson Fitzgerald Laaksonen Johnson Handful of European blueline prospects
  19. I would like to keep Borgen, but let’s see how the offseason plays out leading up to the expansion draft. One thing...before you say a player like Borgen is “very replaceable”, just keep in mind that on this years blueline we have Irwin, Davidson and Miller.
  20. Does Fitzgerald have a future as a 5-6-7 blueliner at the NHL level? I see he will turn 25 during the 21-22 season Is this a temporary move due to injuries? Seems like an odd thing to do to an 18 year old in his first pro season.
  21. I hope Jack can get back to 100% and continue his upward career progression come the fall.
  22. Good news on the hiring of Karmanos, but sad that our inexperienced rookie GM had to try and find his way by himself for almost a full calendar year.
  23. If this was the case, I’d think that some of the hirings would be leaked out somehow. We will find out over the next month or so.
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