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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. So none of the Stanley Cup Playoffs/Finals will be on broadcast TV when this deal begins? When was the last time that happened? Seriously don’t remember.
  2. Bottom line...Adams and Co. believed Hutton was better than any potential F/A or trade acquisition. BIG MISTAKE, and by far the biggest reason we are in last place.
  3. Seriously? Should we give Kevy a gold star and a participation award for “probably trying to acquire a goaltender”?
  4. Pizza hands down. Cold or hot, always good out of the fridge. Taco's not so much.
  5. Not saying it isn't a factor, but at some point when RB needs to go somewhere else for an NHL HC opportunity, is he going to turn it down because wifey won't go?
  6. Assuming no one is traded prior to expansion draft(I didn't know R2 was exempt)... Eichel Reinhart Skinner Mitts Oloffson Bjork Asplund
  7. As the wife of an NHL HC, sooner or later, the family will be uprooted. Deal with it Mrs. Brindy. How often does a HC stay in one job his entire career?
  8. I agree. The little bit I've seen over the last month, I'd much rather keep R2, Bjork, Asplund, and Borgen, and lose TT.
  9. ...and if this happens, IMO, the Sabres would be settling for a lesser candidate.
  10. PTR...who is your top choice?
  11. This is how I'd like to see it play out...assuming the Sabres end up picking 4th or 5th. I just don't see a need for another PMD especially if the forwards listed above have comparable grades to the blueliners.
  12. There are so few Sabres properties on the team, that at this point, it is hardly even worth opening this thread for the rest of the season. 😂
  13. I agree....and I was one of his biggest critics. Still have no idea what his ceiling is, but he clearly is playing better post Ralph.
  14. Not sure why Borgen is out. Wouldn’t they want to get the best look at him over the last handful of games?
  15. Goaltending makes this a questionable playoff team let along a cup contender. The rest of the lineup is promising.
  16. Look at me, another Nostradumbass. 😂
  17. Top down problem. What has happened to this once proud franchise is all on the Pegula’s.
  18. Also, how much of the salary cap budget do they carve out for the top 2 goalies in 21-22? 8-10 mil?
  19. Im going to watch to see how UPL and some of the other youngsters look.
  20. Well...had absolutely no symptoms after 2nd dose. I’m now at the 2 week “post 2nd dose” mark. Am i now invincible? 🥳
  21. I’ll be honest I’ve watched very little even after Ralphie got fired. For those who have, has Tage’s play “post RK” warrant him being protected for the expansion draft? I can see protecting Mitts, but not sure about TT.
  22. I've been saying that the only answer is a compliance buyout in the next 2-3 years(I'm crossing my fingers). If you look at a normal buyout using capfriendly calculator, it is way way too painful. In the meantime, I just hope there is some way to utilize him other than the RK approach. PS I wonder whatever happened to Jeff Gilooly or whatever his name was! 😂
  23. So what is your answer as to Jeff Skinner going forward?
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