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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Hahaha. That is never going to happen.
  2. It has nothing to do with following a legend. He just flat out sucks. He can’t even understand that some people listen on the radio(which requires a more detailed call), and that makes him even less tolerable. 3 options...get rid of DD completely, get him off the radio call, or status quo.
  3. If RJ continuing means Dunleavy never becomes the fulltime PbP guy, or even better he gets fed up and leaves for another PbP job, than I hope RJ stays on forever.
  4. Yes, i aways preferred Briere to Drury, but enquiring minds want to know.... Drury(Prez)/Drury(GM) or Kimmy(Prez)/Kevy(GM) What say you?
  5. IMO, if you factor in cap hit, Buffalo would rank only ahead of Detroit. Skinner has negative value Cozens has a bright future Olofsson is a one trick pony Bjork is a JAG
  6. Just close your eyes, click your heels 3 times, and repeat... I'm hoping there is a compliance buyout I'm hoping there is a compliance buyout I'm hoping there is a compliance buyout ... ... ...
  7. Considering his history and his actions in the game against the Rangers, this is flat out embarrassing for the NHL, and why they continue to be a Mickey Mouse league. They should not even be considered on par with the other big 3 NA sports leagues. Anyone still want to defend Bettman? He is a joke of a commissioner.
  8. The lottery is a joke and should be kicked to the curb. The NFL and MLB don’t have draft lotteries, and seem to be doing just fine. If the owners wanted it gone, it would be gone. Not sure why they would be in favor of keeping it. I’d like to know where the Pegula’s stand on this issue?
  9. Good for Houser. It may be a once in a lifetime opportunity for him. You can never take away memories.
  10. Excellent. Don't agree with a post from a different thread, so let's start a new thread about said post, for no reason at all. 👎
  11. Anyone really believe that a couple of tweeks(new #2 goalie, a new HC, a couple moves in the bottom 6, or the 5-6 blueliners) is going to stop this streak at 10?
  12. Seattle Mariners 19(thru 2020) Sacramento Kings 15(thru 20-21) Buffalo Sabres 10(thru 20-21) New York Jets 10(thru 2020) It just happens to be that it ended up being one team from each league in the top 4 droughts. The Phoenix Suns also had a 10 year drought which they are about to snap. I don't follow the NBA at all, so I am not sure if the Kings are anywhere close to ending their streak, but the Mariners have a decent shot of being a playoff team this year.
  13. The season is over 1 week from today, and the number then becomes 10. For some reason, I thought we were up to 11. What a blur it has become. 😞
  14. That is what made Berman and Kiper great over the years...so entertaining...not for the thorough analysis.
  15. I'd be okay if I also never heard the phrase "recency bias" again.
  16. I love the NFL draft, but I long for the old days of Berman and Kiper at the MSG Forum(and then Radio City Music Hall). Since they took it on the road, and Berman got the boot a few years ago, it has become more spectacle than substance.
  17. I wish Miller the best. The "WTF Wave" will be missed. Sounds like he wants a future in hockey(coaching or front office). Hopefully he can find an opportunity with the Kings or Ducks organization assuming his wife still wants to be based out of SoCal for professional reason.
  18. Mann would be a worthwhile signing, and considering the lack of goaltending depth, the Sabres organization would probably be a good place for him to land. Sabres 1A - Ullmark(2 or 3 year deal) Sabres 1B - Solid UFA vet good for 30 games(or more when Ullmark gets hurt again) Amerks 1A - UPL Amerks 1B - Mann Cincinnati - Houser or Tokarski
  19. You, your mom and your entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.
  20. Hey...you aren’t supposed to be paying that close attention! Awesome!! 😂
  21. I hope this is the plan. It would be a mistake if he had some modest success over these last handful of games, and the powers that be decide to pencil him in for the #2 spot for 21-22.
  22. That being said, were there F/A options available prior to the "taxi squad" being approved? Not sure of the timeline this past summer.
  23. Yes...sorry for the confusion. That is what I was referring to.
  24. What are your vaccine plans? Closed to comments and voting is private. Since this is closed to comments, there is no way to bump it. Mods could you please pin for a week or so. If this thread is considered inappropriate, feel free to delete.
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