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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Ask for your money back. Fraudulent claim!
  2. With what team? 😂😂😂
  3. This nonsense has to stop. Do you really need to attack anything negative that you don’t agree with? Friggin’ troll.
  4. What does Ray have to do with it? 😂
  5. A couple off ice things
 - When are the Sabres going to dump the Teen Idol anthem competition, and make nice with Doug Allen? - Was in the car when Calgary scored their first goal. Dunleavy
”we might have something going
and in the meantime, Calgary scores”. This guy f’ing sucks and I don’t have to listen to any other broadcast to know he is among the worse. One thing I dread about the Sabres playing better
having to listen to him more often. Doesn’t matter how much of a good soldier he was waiting for RJ to retire, he needs to be replaced in the off-season
along with Duff & Ray.
  6. Got to see the 1st 10 min, and then the last 5 min of the 3rd, plus OT and the shootout. Nice job by UPL.
  7. Didn’t get to see the game but
. Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in.
  8. People are so angry nowadays especially regarding politics. Just no respect at all. 😞
  9. Duff had so much promise when hired. Now I can’t even come up one word to describe him
how about terrible? Fits right in with the rest of the broadcast team except for Marty.
  10. Yes! Had a really nice 1st season in the AHL and then
see ya!
  11. You would think that with the other Russians in Rochester, that it would appeal to him coming to NA. Maybe he just feels more comfortable at home like the German from 10 years back who came over for one AHL season and went back
never to be heard from again.
  12. I don’t remember crazy lines the last two presidential elections, and was early voting even a thing then?
  13. What does this mean? Doesn’t want to subtract from the 23 man roster, prospects, picks? No one or no pick should be off-limits. Nothing.
  14. One other complaint
had to go to “early voting” here in WNY, because I will be out of town on Election Day. Waited almost 40 min. What are all you idiots doing here, when if you vote on Election Day you are in and out in less than 5 min. 
.and no, I don’t believe all these people doing “early voting” will be out of town next Tuesday.
  15. The wife loves WGRZ news
me not so much. When you have two 60 year old anchors repeatedly spewing the term “Bills Mafia” during the news you sound ridiculous. Then Claudine Ewing last night is doing a feature on some Bills fans who met Josh’s mom, and led off with “Fans got to meet QB1’s mom
”. Comes across as a bunch of middle age adults trying to act like cool HS kids.
  16. So awful for those two children đŸ˜„ https://www.wivb.com/news/local-news/niagara-county/niagara-falls/2-children-among-3-dead-after-going-over-niagara-falls
  17. I vote for Adams to do absolutely nothing. He is a buffoon of an NHL GM, and doesn’t have a clue as to how to build an NHL team. The only move I vote for is to remove him from the position.
  18. Dahlin isn’t Norris Trophy worthy at either end. 😉
  19. Who is pushing them away? What am I supposed to do
just smile and agree? What a great forum that would be.
  20. People beat up on Risto for his dumb plays. Well guess what
that was a play Risto would be proud of from our soon to be Norris Trophy winner
at least that is what some posters have stated.
  21. Are you a Sabres employee, or relative of a player? There is optimism and then there is ridiculousness.
I am a proud member of the club! 😂
  23. @Curt Looking at his profile, last site activity was in July. Prior to that, he was a regular poster here.
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