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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Yes. I’m not saying you want a McNabb type in your top pair, but if a team can’t find a place for a player like him in the top 6, then they will have a tough time beinmg successful in the playoffs.
  2. Businesses of all types who are raising prices in the name of Covid. Some may be legit price increases, but I have a feeling many are just gouging.
  3. Ok. Thanks. Hope I didn’t ruin your day.
  4. I’m sick of hearing that Adams wants 5 or 6 pieces. Stop with the quantity for quality trade think. Get a very good prospect, a top 6 forward, and one or two 1st round picks.
  5. Who needs a physical presence on the blueline? Don’t you know the answer is to have 7 PMD who don’t have a clue how to play in their own end. McNabb is a holdover from an era of hockey that is gone forever.
  6. I hope Kevyn had a chance to interview Hakstol. After all, it’s all about him building his embarrassing and limited skill sets...not about finding the right HC.
  7. I remember when we used to have signatures here, that for the longest time, I had an exchange between Rene Robert and Larry Quinn as my signature, that ended with Robert putting Quinn in his place. 😂
  8. So sad. By today’s standards 72 is still young. Another boyhood hero gone. 😢😢😢
  9. 8 mil for Tkachuk, 9 mil for Skinner, and 6 mil for Okposo(two more years)... and who will the 1C and 2C be?
  10. So we are back to “video scouting” is the way to go. 😉 It’s all a blur now, I can’t even remember which regime(years) thought “video scouting” was the way of the future?
  11. Sorry, but I don’t ever buy “player X was ruined because he was rushed to the NHL”. There is no way to proof this. Maybe they are just mediocre players who were going to have the same end result even if they had spent 1-2 years in the AHL.
  12. https://www.usatoday.com/story/sports/nhl/wild/2021/06/21/minnesota-wild-assistant-gm-tom-kurvers-dies-lung-cancer/7771908002/
  13. 😞 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 Those of you who aren’t old enough to have seen the Sabres in the 70’s, missed a special time in Sabres history.
  14. I’m not going to get worked up over what the return may or may not be for Jack. IMO his value is diminished due to the neck uncertainty, and I have a strong feeling Jack tapped out and wants to go no matter what. Same goes for Risto and Reinhart. I’ve accepted the fact that all 3 may be gone before the start of next season. If so, then the page turns and keep the fingers crossed that Adams and Karmanos have a solid plan in place.
  15. ...and stupid owners/organizations hand out terrible contracts to one trick pony wingers. 👎
  16. I think you could offer Skinner + 1 overall for a 7th round pick to all teams, and you would still have ZERO takers.
  17. The giraffe thing is stupid. Always has been.
  18. The owner(s) want to be kept informed, or they want to insert themselves into the decision making process over and over again? 😉
  19. How sad is it, that the Sabres know they can take all the time in the world to hire a HC, because the guy they are probably going to “settle for”(Granato), isn’t exactly in high demand for any other NHL HC openings?
  20. No he isn’t, and no he isn’t. 😎
  21. Did the Sabres even bother to interview him?
  22. I don’t ever remember hearing that comparison.
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