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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I bet other GM’s aren’t as confident as you in terms of putting together a big trade offer for a guy with a NECK injury.
  2. IMO...there is no way you are getting this for a broken Jack. No way.
  3. I know but if he is disgruntled and wants out, what is the alternative. If you hold on him and showcase him the first month of the season, who has room in season for a $10 mil cap hit? Also, what if he becomes a negative force in the locker room? Make the best deal you can this summer and move on. Futures, conditional picks, roster players, short term cap dumps...have to hope that Adams and Karmanos can sort through the offers, and take the one that they believe will work out the best. 🤞
  4. I wonder if an acceptable package would be a top prospect, and then multiple conditional 1st round picks based on how many games Eichel plays in the next season or two. That way both teams are protected.
  5. So frustrating that I have followed the Bills and Sabres(and the Braves for the short time they were here) for 50+ years, and not a single championship between them...yet in Tampa they are about to celebrate their 3rd sports championship in less than 12 months...and if they didn’t have an idiot for a manager, they may also have added a WS Championship to that list. Sometimes being a sports fan is just not fair. 😞
  6. I go back and forth between Beniers and Power. It doesn’t matter who I like(since I have no say), but I won’t go crazy if the pick is Power instead of Beniers.
  7. I’m ready to turn the page even if it means more short term suffering. If Jack, Sam and Risto have tapped out, then I want them traded this offseason.
  8. I didn’t say that, but if you don’t think he is involved with some hockey decisions, I don’t know what to say. For starters do the names Ehrhoff and Leino ring a bell? Am I supposed to believe that over the years he has backed off?
  9. 10 years of failure seems weird to me...and the problem starts at the very top.
  10. Help me out...was Granato interviewed for a previous Sabres HC opening?
  11. I know it is summer and has been very warm, but you are drinking way too much of Pegula flavored Kool-Aid. So you are okay with Terry “meddling” in day to day hockey operations?
  12. I don’t care how much free reign Dahlin is given by Granato from an offensive standpoint. It all means nothing if he doesn’t become at least average in his own end...and IMO he has a LOT of work to do in order to reach that “average” point.
  13. Indifference. That is my response to this hire. To anyone who can get worked up in a positive way over this meh hiring, you have survived this 10 year nightmare better than I have.
  14. I wonder what NBC ends up doing with Katherine Tappen and Co?
  15. Tampa in 4 or 5. IMO it is a mismatch and the Montreal run is about to hit a brick wall... ...and F Eric Staal
  16. I was going to guess Goyette, prior to reading any of the posts in this thread. Would have been a pretty good guess
  17. 🎶Hello darkness my old friend, I’ve come to talk with you again...🎶
  18. I know the gun part is more about hunting, but I just got my pistol permit and looking for a 1st time pistol recommendations. Probably won’t carry to start with, but would like something that would be good for target shooting, home safety and personal defense, but also compact enough if I decide to carry in the future, it would be a good choice
  19. Without a compliance buyout in the next 2-3 years, there is no way they are ridding themselves of Skinner. It really sucks, but that is the only way. 😞
  20. I don’t like the Habs and their fans who invade KBC to begin with, but after the ***** effort Staal gave in his short time here, no friggin’ way will I cheer for them. I will even cheer for the Tampa cheaters over them.
  21. My turn.... The Sabres will hire a new HC before the start of the season...and Jack, Sam and Risto may or may not be traded this offseason. How am I doing so far compared to Dreger?
  22. I’ve probably mentioned this in years past, but.... On a related 1970’s Buffalo sports note, the four or five years when OJ, McAdoo and Perreault were here at the same time, were just terrific times to be a Buffalo sports fan.
  23. Maybe one of my fellow oldtimers has the answer to this... Who gave the line, the name “French Connection”?
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