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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Unfortunately, when you draft a bunch of college and Euro players year after year, you end up fielding a prospect challenge team comprised of 1/3 or more players, you don't have the rights to, and/or they don't belong in a tournament at this level.
  2. If Eichel isn’t a Sabre(or is, and is on LTIR), and no goalie moves are made, this team may rival the tank teams. Bottom 3 team for sure. I voted choice #4.
  3. The OL was mediocre last year, yet BB brought the entire group back. I think that group will be a problem all year long…especially in the running game.
  4. I’m having a brain cramp, back in the day who was the poster that always posted ALL the hockeybuzz rumors?
  5. I received a “B” grade and a predicted regular season finish of 3rd place.
  6. If it’s not “someone else”, I’m going to rent a tank and drive it in circles around KBC for hours on end. Would they miss it, if I rented one and drove it back to Buffalo from Minnesota? https://www.driveatank.com/
  7. @SDS …also seeing this problem intermittently on TSW boards.
  8. I hope KA is spending the next 14 days preparing for a daily barrage of Jack questions. 24x7 Jack…”All Jack, all the time!”. 😂
  9. If you look at draft results you can see the order. I also spent a few minutes trying to figure it out
  10. Stupid question, but when is draft order revealed?
  11. Used all of it? I’d be happy if they just used some of it on goaltending, other than Grandpa Anderson, Beer League goalies Tokarski, Houser, and Dell, and “not ready for prime time” UPL.
  12. That's weird. It seems to be intermittent also. Sometimes, I don't see an embedded tweet, I leave the thread, go back in and there it is....and sometimes it's reversed.
  13. The club seating areas, and the upper parts of the endzone seating, are all above grade.
  14. Depends on the eligibility rules that all the teams agree to. This could change from year to year. MY guess is the players who turned pro last season, would all be eligible…Samuelsson, Pekar, R2, Laaksonen, UPL, etc…
  15. Since rookie development camp is normally in July right after the draft, I’d say that is a no go. NCAA prospects never participate in the “prospect challenge” in September since they are all back in school by that time.
  16. I didn't even try to explain the origin of the WTF Wave. I just said it must be the Italian in me. 😂
  17. I’m driving in the car with my wife in the passenger seat when a person in front of me was driving like an idiot. Next thing I know, wife says to me…”what is it you are doing with your hands?”. I then realize I am doing the WTF Wave, and have since realized I do it a lot. To the person in front of me at the supermarket blocking the aisle, to cars that come to close to me when I’m walking, all kinds of car driving moments, etc… I think I’ve become Ryan Miller, but with no goalie equipment on. Help!
  18. When receiving a subpar product from a 3rd party seller on Amazon, never put up with BS if you have to return it. Call Amazon, ask to be transferred to a rep in the US, and they will make sure the issue is resolved as quickly and easily as possible. 👍
  19. I’ve had a problem for month or so using Google Chrome on my iphone. Sometimes, embedded tweets won’t show up at all, other times they just load slow. Sometimes if I go in and out of a thread, they may then show up. Just upgraded to an iphone 12, and problem is still there. Anyone else seeing anything similar?
  20. I’m surprised there have been no leaks of the study that was done 1-2 years ago, in terms on KBC renovations. Not a peep.
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