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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. If you don’t want to maintain a house(especially the exterior) there is an alternative. It’s called an apartment.
  2. It’s been many many years since I’ve been to an Amerks game, but I’m going to try and make the I90 roadie two or three times this season.
  3. No worries. My post was kind of tongue in cheek. 😉
  4. If it was off the record, how do you know what was said or if it was “professional”? Enquiring minds want to know
  5. No, but they could have stalked him outside the arena, or at the airport? 😉
  6. I will say this…John’s agent got him in and out of town last week without a single peep from him. Going rogue again like he did at the end of season presser, would not help things at this point.
  7. We are good for the season. All 12 owners have joined. Will bump this thread when draft draws close, so everyone remembers to attend, or pre-rank players if not.
  8. Looking for updates from two owners… @dudacek @gilbert11 One of you has joined the league as team “Better Meatballs”(I don’t know which one of you this is), and the other hasn’t joined the league yet.
  9. …and Vegas would hang up. You are not getting that for a broken John. Not even close.
  10. Then they aren’t a checking line or offense line. 😂
  11. If DG decides to roll a “checking line” of ???-Girgs-KO it will be a mistake. There is just no offense to go hand in hand with the TOI they will receive.
  12. I’m not saying he will be buried on the 4th line all season, but be prepared for R2 to bolt back to Europe in 22-23, if he ends up with 8-10 min of ice time per night, along with no PP time.
  13. I don’t know where you came up with this 100k per point formula, but there is more to a player than just points. What if he puts up 30 points and is a train wreck in every other phase of his game?
  14. Without surgery, I am afraid to say, you need to drop your asking price even lower. 😞
  15. I like the 4th line more than I like the 2nd line. 😉
  16. …and if I was the Sabres, I’d want those same clauses in a good way. PS I thought provisional performances clauses were not allowed in trade offers.
  17. I agree with everyone but Mitts. I just am not sure his small sampling of games under DG was a true indication of him having gone from “he’s a bust” to “he’s one of the Sabres top two centers”.
  18. Here is an interesting question…as long as he is under contract to the team, does he need their permission to play in the Olympics? If so, there goes the idea of Rogue Johnny.
  19. I’m going to guess that the Sabres legal representation has advised management to stay as far away as possible from this ADR surgery. No approval to allow Johnny to have it, no liability waiver if he does have it, nothing. The cleanest way out of this mess from a legal perspective, is either he has the fusion surgery as recommended by Sabres docs, or trade him as is for a lesser return.
  20. After this captaincy thing, IMO it is clear Johnny will never suit up for a Sabres game again. Not even a “show every team he is healthy again” set of games.
  21. I mentioned this yesterday, and am now wondering, can Johnny’s refusal to go along with the Sabres recommended surgery(combined with failing his physical), be enough to warrant him being suspended without pay?
  22. I’m not sure if it would help, but I wonder if at some point Bettman and Co. get involved? This is a bad look for a league that is distant 4th in North America, and involves one of the leagues premier players.
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