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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I’m sorry. That is what I meant. Start of his 2nd season. Here is the maddening thing…everyone here would agree that a solid defensive defense partner is the way to go, but 3 HC’s and 2 GM’s later, they don’t seem to get it.
  2. I disagree. He was a highly touted prospect, in some circles called the best blueline prospect since Potvin, and showed no signs in his first camp why he should start the season in Rochester. It seems since season two there has been a steady regression to his game. I hope all those people who were pining for a 7x7 or 7x8 deal in the off-season, are now happy the Sabres went with a 3 year deal instead. Maybe I will be proven wrong, but I don't even see all-star team prospects in his future, let alone ever being a Norris Trophy contender. I will go even farther in saying that by the end of this 3 year deal, if his play doesn't improve dramatically, the Sabres may not even consider him part of the core going forward.
  3. I was on my computer during the game, and not paying real close attention, but did Dahlin get beat by a toe drag twice in the first half of the game?
  4. …and you know what the kids care about? Losing their roster spot to a TDL acquisition. 😂
  5. Stop with the playoff talk, and take a look at this roster. If the Sabres are within 15 points of the last EC playoff spot at the TDL, I will resurrect this post, and declare myself to be the village idiot...for at least a day or two. 😂
  6. So where is the line in the sand? Within 10 points of the playoffs on TDL day?
  7. This. I’ve seen Vegas games many times over the last 3 years and never once did this comparison come to mind. That being said, I’m excited to see Tuch become a key part of the new core.
  8. Old man yells at cloud? Is that something like this??? 😂😂😂
  9. Especially those who wanted him banished to Cincinnati after a few games.
  10. Can Curtis put down his coloring book, and use his big boy words. WTF is with all the emojis?
  11. Holy cow! I’ve been saying for two years now that the STH count will drop dramatically, and box office prices will prevent any significant walk up crowd. The Pegula’s have ruined this franchise over the last decade, and yet you want you to sh*t all over the fans? You are barking up the wrong tree.
  12. Okay, we will agree to disagree. No one is scamming the system, the labor shortage will magically get better, and things will be back to normal in no time flat. How is that for glass half full? 🤣 ...and back in the day was 20+ years ago. 😂
  13. I guess time will tell. Week to week, has turned into a month, and still going.
  14. Different OC from two years ago, but we will see. I say he is done.
  15. Back in the day, you used to have to go down to the labor office and meet with someone. I'm sure that doesn't happen any more, but I'd like to believe you at least have to list the places you have applied to on a weekly basis, and not just "yeah I'm looking".
  16. ...but is it simply checking a box, or is it more extensive?
  17. I am going to get yelled at again because I am admitting I don't watch most of the games, but I just looked at the NHL standings, and based on point %, the Sabres are all the way down to 24th out of 32 teams. That fall from grace happened quickly. 😔
  18. I would love to see a breakdown of NYS Dept of Labor stats in terms of claim length, age range, etc.... Unfortunately, I don't think they are making that info public. My biggest reason for suspicion of fraud, I don't believe you have to go through the same scrutiny you did in the past , in order to receive benefits, where you had to prove you were applying for jobs, and did not get hired, in order to continue to receive your weekly benefit.
  19. No data, but I think my belief is much more likely, than 50 somethings retiring early causing the work shortage. How would you explain it, beyond the early retirement people?
  20. Just a guess on my part, but I’d say it is over 75% of the problem.
  21. What the heck has happened to the workforce? It is an endless stream of help wanted signs everywhere. I know all these people didn’t disappear from the face of the earth, so I assume they are still on unemployment. Time to start making sure these claims are valid. WTF! 😡
  22. That is “old man” talk. Don’t you know that the game now is all about speed and skill? No place in the game for physical play.
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