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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I am a little puzzled by Granato. I guess only time will tell, but he does reaize that 2-1 games are winning playoff hockey? What do you tell the players when they eventually make the playoffs? Umm…you know all that stuff you have been doing for the last 2-3 years? Don’t do it anymore!!! From yesterday’s Athletic article… “Giving up a lot of goals, the reflex is to get really conservative,” Granato said Tuesday. “I’m just not going to do it.” Granato wants to win as much as anyone, but he refuses to change his long-term focus. This is not the Sabres’ year. It was never going to be. And if the coach changes his offense-first philosophy, it’ll never be the Sabres’ year. “I said it when I took the job: If we try to play to 2-1 or 1-0, we’re going to be a very boring team and develop nobody,” Granato said at KeyBank Center. “I don’t want guys that are conservative. I want guys that ride the edge, and with that, you’ve got to have confidence because you’re going to take hits. It’s going to bring attention to what you really need to pay attention to — some details. “I’m not throwing defense out, by any means. I demand it, and I’m fine winning a game 1-0, but not at the sacrifice of developing.”
  2. Next season it will be like having another 1st round pick. Awesome!
  3. Keep your heads up Pegula’s, you still have the Sabres. Oh wait…
  4. Terrible by Shannon. WTF does it even mean?
  5. Vinz? Why not our own PTR? Isn’t he a beer league goalie? @PromoTheRobot
  6. The question is how many seasons of low attendance will they accept? Crowds aren’t going from 7,000 to 19,000 in a years time.
  7. Well then…I hope the Pegula’s realize that this season was never about fans paying a lot of money to see bad hockey.
  8. I hope the Sabres org realizes fans are taking a “show me first” approach. No one is buying season tix based on a bunch of prospect hype. The STH numbers aren’t going back up until the Sabres have a respectable season, and show that they are trending upwards. Until proven otherwise, the Pegula’s are terrible NHL owners.
  9. Why retire when he can stay on IR and collect the rest of his 21-22 salary?
  10. I don’t think it is hindsight now for anyone to say they knew the Sabres goaltending going into the season was going to be bad…scary bad.
  11. I’m not looking to trade Dahlin and I hope he can get his head out of his a$$, but just be glad he didn’t get the 8x8 or 8x7 deal that some were hoping for in the off-season. The clock is ticking. IMO he has 2-1/2 years to prove he is part of the long term core. He has a long long way to go to reach that point.
  12. Maybe it’s time to stop the “let the kids play, go fast, and have fun”, and teach them the basics of defensive zone play. I’ve noticed less “…at least I was entertained” comments in the GDT’s over the last two weeks. Getting abused in their own zone is no fun and is not a plus in terms of player development.
  13. A simple waiver claim last season could have brought Detroits starting goalie here instead of there, but Commander Adams didn’t put the claim in. Yeah…not his fault.
  14. How can you not root for this guy. If he ever made the Sabres, he would immediately go on the all-time name list for Sabres players.
  15. Unless it can snow when it is 70°, I don’t know how you can get your wish? How can it snow without being cold? 😂
  16. My OCD is kicking in because the letters touch the dark part of the jersey instead of extending the yellow just a 1/2" more on the top and bottom so letters are surrounded on all sides by yellow. 😂
  17. I know some are empty net goals, but the Sabres have allowed 40 goals in their last 8 games. The goalie position is drowning, and the Malcolm Subban life preserver has a hole in it.
  18. After their extended road trip to start the season, the Islanders finally come home to their new arena, and promptly go 0-4-1, scoring only 4 goals and getting shutout twice. 😱
  19. No No No! One of the board experts will tell you that you are wrong. Skilled smooth skating no physicality is the way to go for all your blueliners.
  20. Wow! Let’s see how the Farmer in the Dell plays with a 3 goal lead.
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