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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Malone hurt? I’m shocked.
  2. 12 in a row for Lindy and NJ.
  3. I love HNiC…if Spectrum would broadcast the HD feed. Have I said before that SPECTRUM SUCKS! 😂
  4. Does anyone even watch pre and post game…win or lose?
  5. In Lancaster near the Elma border. Probably have 3’, yet fortunate I am not in OP, Hamburg, Blasdell, etc….
  6. Anyone on the team or in the system, or future picks other than Dahlin, Power, Tage, Tuch, and JJP.
  7. Miracles do occur. I got a call around 3 from the owner. Said he could have it done and delivered by 8 tonight. Just delivered and the snow just started coming down as he left.
  8. 700 pages. Oh how my baby has grown. 😊
  9. I refer to myself as “the sinker”. Seems that no matter who I choose to root for(even in a game I just randomly flip to), that team almost always ends up losing. 😂
  10. I never cared for their show when on WGR, but this is spot on.
  11. Snowblower taken in for repair last Friday. Owner said 2 weeks. Who would have guessed that several days after I dropped it off, a crazy November storm is forecast. 😡
  12. ...or maybe for whatever reason, they choose to be less physical when playing at home?
  13. They don't publish actual attendance. Just tix sold.
  14. So a one game sample? You don't even need to look at the stats to know the Sabres would be near the bottom of the league. They fail the eye test in this regard game after game.
  15. Last regime? Last time I looked, they have the same owner who made the comment.
  16. You have a link to these numbers comparing all NHL teams? 😉 ...and in the case of the Sabres, you have neither.
  17. C'mon man. So every player in the league is a "full grown man", and incapable of being checked by someone else just because of their age?
  18. I know I will be viewed as a dinosaur and wanting something that is gone from the game, but it is a big part of why I am "losing my love" for the game. Just to be clear, I am not asking for bench clearing brawls, or even line brawls, but a fight between two players should be ok and a regular part of the game(remove the instigator penalty). Also, and this is magnified by the play of the Sabres particularly, what has happened to body checking? The Sabres are dead last in hits per 60 min, by ~3.5 hits per game(and 13 hits per game away from being middle of the pack). https://www.nhl.com/stats/teams?report=realtime&reportType=season&seasonFrom=20222023&seasonTo=20222023&gameType=2&filter=gamesPlayed,gte,1&sort=hitsPer60&page=0&pageSize=50 This isn't a women's "no checking" league. Maybe I would feel differently if the Sabres were a playoff team AND if they were not another season into one of the worst periods any NHL team has ever experienced...or maybe I'd still yearn for the physical play even if winning. Anyone who has ever been to an NHL game, can't tell me that other than a goal, two of the most exciting plays in a game, are a bone crushing body check or a fight.
  19. The Sabres are roughly $20 mil under the cap. Attendance is poor. Spend more(on players) to make more(wins = higher attendance). Clearly there is a line drawn in the sand as to how much KA can spend. The days of "If I need more money, I will drill another well" are over. So where do they go from here?
  20. …and Pilut, and Fitz.
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