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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Is Huglen the prospect who has had serious back issues in recent years? Maybe I am mixing him up with someone else?
  2. I used to have an account over there, but too many who thought their opinions were fact, and I gave it up a couple of years ago. Kind of like a board made up of 1,000 ligers. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚
  3. ā€¦.and maybe help to convince Tkachuk to stay. šŸ˜‰
  4. Doesnā€™t mean they had to bring back Malkin, Letang, etcā€¦. I agree with you on Crosbyā€¦even though I wonder how much he is dictating to management on who should be brought back.
  5. Heard one of the hosts on NHL Sirius a few days ago say that ā€œputting the band back togetherā€ for the Pens is a terrible idea. I may have the numbers wrong that he quoted, but they were something likeā€¦have not made it out of the 1st round since last winning the cup, and over that same period they are 13-22 in the playoffs. I agree with this 100%.
  6. I guess I could just print the roster at home next time. In the past, at dev camps and training camps they have always had rosters at the rink. Lesson learned.
  7. Just what I wantā€¦stare at my phone more. A few hundred sheets of paper isnā€™t going to be the end of the world. Gotta go nowā€¦need to find some leaves to wipe myself with after going to the bathroom.
  8. Come mid-winter, I am going to become a 1st time grandpa! Canā€™t wait! Super excited! šŸ˜Š
  9. Went on Wednesday. While interesting at times and boring at others, one thing stood outā€¦.no paper rosters to be handed out. PSE proving once again they canā€™t get out of their own way. šŸ‘ŽšŸ»
  10. Team Martin is going to have a tough go of it with no goalie. šŸ˜‚
  11. Canā€™t some of those listed be loaned to Cincinnati? Based on who you listed and the always expected injuries throughout the yearā€¦I count 15.
  12. My guess is they promised him an extended look in training camp and pre-season games, and even if he doesnā€™t make the team, there would be a good chance he is traded or picked up as a waiver claim.
  13. Placed myself in and out of the gutter, googled it, and still canā€™t figure it out? šŸ˜‚
  14. Very optimistic for a guy(UPL) who hasnā€™t even proven himself at the AHL level.
  15. I donā€™t think the Sabres are paying him almost 3mil per, to be a 5-6-7 dman. I expect mainly 2nd pair, PK minute muncher, and a guy who can be put out there to help protect a lead.
  16. So how close are the Sabres to the cap floor after todays signings?
  17. Anderson can't be counted on for more than ~25 games(maybe a lot less at his age), which means they need 50-60 starts from the other goalie on the roster. That would be Comrie who has 28 career starts. Better than Houser, Tokarski, UPL, Dell, Subban, etc..., but hardly screams "compete for last playoff spot" team.
  18. Trouble staying healthy, or never good enough to play a regular top 6 role? At the NHL level prior to last season when he played 77 games... 18-19 41GP 19-20 51GP 20-21 42GP
  19. So what is the goaltending move that does make sense for the Sabres?
  20. Thatā€™s okay. We donā€™t want him blocking a prospect who is 2-3 years away. [/sarcasm off] KA better be careful, or come winter, he will be looking up at Ottawa and Detroit in the standings.
  21. I will probably go to dev camp 1 or 2 days, and then in addition to a few days of training camp, a couple of the prospect tourney games in September. No interest in the 3 on 3.
  22. Yes. All sessions free except for 3 on 3 tourney at end of camp.
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