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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I think there is a combination of age, years pro, NHL games that all team participating agree to ahead of time. Might even change from year to year. Regardless, the Sabres blueline will have to be filled in with some players currently not Sabres property. Power, Laaksonen, Lindgren, and 4 or 5 invitees? …or am I missing one or two guys who may be signed to minor league deals who played with Rochester or Cincinnati last year?
  2. I am good with almost any date. Just prefer an evening time.
  3. There is only one part of this post that is believable, and that is the 1st sentence. 😂 Happy Hour a little bit early today? 🍻
  4. I almost got sucked in by it, but then even Lehner isn’t that crazy to go public with a statement like that.
  5. The most embarrassing part of the game, is that the teams force their STH to pay full price for these games.
  6. Whenever the commercials come on TV with Flo(Progressive), I wonder…how did they ever make it past a focus group? She may be the all-time most annoying person ever in a national ad. This includes the current ones featuring Jon Hamm. They need to go back to the “becoming your parents” set of commercials. Can’t believe the same ad agency is responsible for both fantastic and AWFUL commercials.
  7. …and I am pretty sure that was Gibson’s only appearance in that WS. That is how screwed up his knees were, and makes what he did in that one at bat even more remarkable.
  8. One of the all-time great moments in sports. It never gets old to watch it.
  9. Not to keep rehashing things, but maybe they wouldn’t have had to rely on “league help”, if they had just gone out and hired an experienced and successful hockey exec to run the entire show to begin with. The last decade+ is a black eye on the franchise that will sting for some time. I will stop looking at him as a bumbling meddling fool when his team proves it to me.
  10. …or have my arms shortened an inch or two. 😂
  11. Can they sign up with a company who can make jerseys in tall sizes? Not a fan of jerseys with sleeves that don’t come down to where the wrist meets the base of the hand….says the long armed freak. 😂
  12. …and if their pool is filled with Euros and NCAA players, the ability to fill a roster at a tourney like this in September is even more difficult.
  13. I say this knowing it will earn me a warning…F OFF!
  14. Still a couple of years away but thanks for the heads up. 👍🏻
  15. Without knowing what other offers were out there, I guess they took what they felt was the best one.
  16. Just don’t understand why schedule can’t be more compressed, or add an extra day to it, and have a championship game between the top two teams after the round robin. 👎🏻
  17. Would be a problem if there were only two teams in the NHL. 😉
  18. If they didn’t have a deal in place prior to the trade, to sign and extend Huberdeau and Weeger, I would have told Florida to go back to the drawing board.
  19. …and that is so wrong that from an insurance perspective, that root canals, crowns and other major dental work would be categorized as such. 😞
  20. Why is their no coverage of major dental work as part of ALL health insurance(including Medicare)? I am retired, no dental coverage and just spent over $3k for a root canal and crown. Luckily, I am in a good position financially, but what about people who don’t have the money to pay a bill like this? They go without the work being done?
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