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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. DD…That is White’s 37th career goal. Seriously Dan, who gives a F.
  2. …and as soon as I post this, the Phillies go up 4-0 in a blink of an eye. 😡
  3. F all Philly teams… I hope this weekend that the Phillies lose 10-0 to the Braves in games 3 & 4, the Cowboys beat the Eagles 35-0, and the Canucks beat the Flyers 5-0. Not only beatdowns, but 4 goose eggs, all at home. (the bitterness of 1975 is still strong😂) I would include the 76ers, but lost interest in the NBA 10-15 years ago.
  4. I meant to add in my GBU post that I detest the PP neutral zone drop pass. I never liked it, never will…and I don’t understand the benefit of it. 👎🏻👎🏻👎🏻
  5. Doesn’t really matter to me, but in the past the 10-20 posts “in game” just end up in the season long thread.
  6. Why do they need to change while the game is going on to begin with? There are numerous stops in play that allow for the change to be made.
  7. Sorry Mrs Anderson, my choice of words did not meet your approval. He was pretty good. Better?
  8. I know the AHL can be a rough and tumble league. Where is that play coming from on the Amerks…especially on the blueline?
  9. Good - 1st game I watched start to finish in over a year…and they won! - I thought Cozens was the best forward on the Sabres. He has really good wheels for a big man. - Gramps did okay out there. Still wouldn’t count on him for more than 20-25 games. Bad - With 2-3 min to go, I saw Bryson and Power(separate shifts) get caught up ice with Ottawa heading the other way. There is a time and a place for aggressive play, and that wasn’t it. Coaches need to fix this. Dreams of Freestyle Montour were going through my head. - Skinner on the PP…not sure it is a good idea. He is a giveaway machine at times. Ugly - Virtual board advertising changing while play is going on. Very annoying. Not as bad as screen shrinking ads from a year or two ago, but still 👎🏻 .
  10. I love Fishin' In The Dark! Great catchy country tune. Actually, as long as I never have to hear Hear We Go Now... ever again, I am happy. Too bad, one of the players don't have this as their song, or the Sabres adopt it as part of every game(this is my annual mention)...
  11. I've been very critical of the organizations treatment of the fans over the last decade(concession prices, arena experience, promotions such as this, etc...), but I will give credit where credit is due...this flag is a pretty cool giveaway.
  12. I didn't watch many games last season, and don't think I watched any from start to finish. New season. Lot of optimism among the members here. I will have the game on at puck drop, and only the Sabres will decide how long I stay tuned in. 😂 GO SABRES!
  13. Kind of difficult to go anywhere but up, since they were at rock bottom. 😉
  14. Starting Anderson would be a puzzling decision to begin the season. He is clearly the backup. Season opener(home opener)...have to start Comrie.
  15. If Portillo bolts next summer, I would draft another goalie somewhere in rounds 3-7.
  16. 😂😂😂 I think I’ve earned the right to take a “prove it” stance after the last decade plus.
  17. I flipped on the game at some point, and there was an ad with a huge black circle(must have been a logo of some kind). Already hard enough to follow the puck at times, lets make it even harder. 😂
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