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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Dahlin, Power(who based on his play is not currently a top 4 dman), and 4 JAGS. Not a recipe for success. /sarcasm on …but the good news is there are no vets that may help the team make a playoff run, blocking the way of the kiddie corps. /sarcasm off
  2. I guess this is easier than drilling another well. 😂
  3. Did you read my post? I was a STH for 20 years. Now, just because they have a few interesting prospects, I am a terrible fan for not attending games. I am not apologizing for not getting my pom poms out, I will leave that to you, and at the same time demote myself to AHL level fan. No one should be shamed for not attending games…especially by an anonymous person on the internet Keep the cape on, and carry on with your super fan propaganda.
  4. I was part of a group who had seasons for almost 20 years, gave them up when Covid hit, and you want to tell me that I should become an AHL fan instead? Seriously? Good for you and your super fan attitude, but don’t judge me or any other fans who doled out thousands of dollars as STH over the craptacular aka the Pegula era.
  5. Haven’t seen the leaf pickup truck. Blow leafs to the curb, wind blows them back on lawn, rinse and repeat. 😡
  6. I see Savoie has missed 4 games. Anyone know why?
  7. Don’t have a good feeling about tonight… SEA 6 BUF 2
  8. TOR @ LV tonight…what a dilemma who to cheer for. 😂
  9. Didn’t see the UB game, but how did they win the turnover battle 6 to 1, but only won by 7?
  10. When is Ohio State going to join the SEC? Clemson too. Then they can eliminate the CFB playoffs, and the SEC champion is then also the D1 champion. 😂
  11. Don’t have a good feeling about tonight… VAN 6 BUF 2
  12. I think DG sits Quinn again based on two game winning streak. Not saying that is what I would do…what I believe he will do.
  13. I hope John fails miserably in Vegas. Then when he signs with the Bruins, I hope he sucks there also, and we get to see it up close. 😈
  14. Even if they go 4 for 4 on the roadie…it will end at that point. 😊
  15. I am two for two. Same prediction for tomorrow’s game coming up. 😂
  16. The logo looks great in B&G. The rest of the jersey…fugly. 👎🏻
  17. He meant split 50/50 when Anderson is healthy…which means Anderson will still be getting no more than 20-25 games.
  18. I truly am a sinker when it comes time to pick a team in any given game/series. 😂
  19. Now now…we must do everything possible to prevent any tantrums. This is 2022, and even when posting something that seems reasonable, you are still unreasonable. 😂
  20. Never bet on any team I decide to cheer for… So far in the MLB playoffs, each series, every team I decide to cheer for, has lost. Every one! I am currently cheering for the Astros and Padres. Let’s see how that works out.
  21. Since the Sabres made me look bad with my prediction on Tuesday, I will go with the same prediction for tonight… Don’t have a good feeling about tonight… CGY 6 BUF 2
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