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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I just got my price lowered almost $35 a month. The retention person kept trying to get me to add services and give me a promo rate, but I dug my heels in and said if you drop my monthly price today(without adding anything), I will consider adding in the future….lie on my part, F them.
  2. Link? I haven’t seen this reported.
  3. My condolences. 😞
  4. Probably another repeat by me… Restaurants that serve something other than Coca-Cola or Pepsi. You are making a huge profit when charging $3-4 a glass. Stop serving the awful tasting generic crap, you are still making a lot of money when selling the Big 2. I will not frequent any place that does this no matter how good the food or service is. 😡
  5. If this is a problem with all customers, I would think they would be out if business by now. Makes me gun shy about trying it.
  6. Reinbacher for me.
  7. Damn, did my bracket fall apart. Finished 11th after a promising start.
  8. I would love to have him back.
  9. No DVR, and because I have T-Mobile for internet, Spectrum views me as out of the area, and I only get a subset of the channels when streaming.
  10. I haven’t watched one minute of the finals, and I will try my hardest not to see a pic or video of that masshole holding the Cup above his head.
  11. This is a great example of value for $2 a month. Article on NHL prospect combine interviews. https://theathletic.com/4602483/2023/06/12/nhl-draft-prospects-2023/?source=user_shared_article
  12. One added note… I am as good as dead if I switch to a service that doesn’t carry the Hallmark Channels. 😂
  13. I will take that as a compliment considering I am in mid 60’s. 😂
  14. My renewal is up in August. Went to cancel and it offered me 1 yr for $24. So I will hang around for another year.
  15. I know the biggest difference between the two…no MSG on YTTV. 😞 Beyond that, I would love to hear any thoughts on these two services. Even after I moved my Internet to T-Mobile, my Spectrum cable bill is $155…two boxes(one with a DVR), and thats it. No premium channels, no sports packages, not even the highest level of their basic tiers. F THEM! On a related note…how far off are we from the Sabres streaming their games(entire season or ala carte)?
  16. https://www.nhl.com/sabres/news/buffalo-sabres-development-camp-prospects-july-2023-lecom-harborcenter/c-344768230
  17. Irv, Rick & Tom. Buffalo broadcasting legends.
  18. He made 300k in the AHL las season. Wonder what his salary will be next year?
  19. I have a question for those who follow lacrosse more than I do… I watched the NCAA lacrosse final and the goalies seem to wear little protective gear. NLL goalies…humongous marshmallow men. Why the difference?
  20. 7/1 12PM ET
  21. I am sure she will be a regular at the Easton Shopping Center with all their high priced stores. 😂
  22. I guess some would say that my thread contributions also make them unreadable. 😂😂😂
  23. Weather has been great. Only downside…grass is already browning. 😞
  24. I for one hope it never gets fixed. There were a fair number of people who overused them, and IMO it made some threads unreadable.
  25. Maple trees and the helicopters that fall from them, suck. I would cut them down in a heartbeat, but they are planted between sidewalk and curb, and town won’t allow healthy trees to be removed(area in question is town easement)…even if I replaced them with different trees.
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