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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. So maybe hiring another HC with no NHL HC experience was not a good idea?
  2. How quickly would you like him to break down? Ok. What about Houser?
  3. So because Comrie has not been great, means they should stick with UPL, instead of another AHL goalie?
  4. If UPL is sub-par again tonight, and Comrie’s return is not imminent, I wouldn’t be opposed to giving Subban or Houser a shot. This goalie situation has really been bungled by KA since he took over. 😡
  5. I wish my house had a dedicated 10A circuit somewhere on the front side…other than running extension cords from inside the garage. It would make Christmas decorating so much easier.
  6. Weird that you posted this. Watched the end of the Bruins game last night, and there was a couple of times when Edwards pronunciation of Swayman was out there…way out there…pretty simple name to spit out.
  7. I will give the Kings a 5th round pick for Peterson…and they retain 50%.
  8. Shuffling the Titanic deck chairs.
  9. I guess the puck bunny didn’t realize what life is like as a girlfriend/wife of a professional hockey player.
  10. Power seems to be much more under control than earlier this season. Not as much freestyling in the offensive zone.
  11. DC is “marvel”-ous? C’mon Dan…stop forcing it. This is as bad or worse than the “Eichel Tower”.
  12. Maybe he just has an unorthodox style, or maybe he is not fundamentally sound, but watching UPL, something does not look right. That being said, if he can make big saves, chalk up some wins, and minimize bad goals, I guess that is all that matters for now.
  13. Wow! Who woke Quinn up the last two games? He could have legitimately scored 5 or 6 goals the last two games. Awesome game!
  14. Well tell me about their play…good, bad or indifferent?
  15. I haven’t seen Sheahan or Bjork in an Amerks jersey, but both should be very good contributers at that level. If not, send them to Cincinnati or lend them elsewhere. I want the vets in Rochester to be positive examples for the youngsters.
  16. I would love to hear Granato or whomever is in charge of the PP, explain how the drop pass is a good thing. 3 guys standing still at the opposing blue line, 4th guy gets to center, drop pass to 5th player, while 4th guy joins the other 3 statues. Just friggin’ explain why this is a good strategy for entering the offensive zone on the PP? I’ll hang up and listen….DG, Ellis, or the other clown behind the bench.
  17. After this season, which HC & GM’s are they still paying, and for how much longer?
  18. CBJ win tonight puts the Sabres 4th from the bottom of the league.
  19. Coming within a foot of an opponent is not asking a lot…even for a 19 year old.
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