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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Strange wording about Östlund. Hasn’t he been in Sweden since the start of the season?
  2. Laaksonen was so brutal his first rookie camp(miles worse than the next player), there was nowhere to go but up. Then he graduated to barely passable AHL player. Now gone.
  3. I tuned in late. Heard the Sabres are playing with 5 D. Did they go on the road with only 6?
  4. A week before Christmas…must be something to complain about?
  5. Ovechkin hits 800. Can’t figure out how to link a video from the NHL front page, but they have a montage of all of his 800 goals. 😂 http://www.nhl.com
  6. There is a great picture of the Schony v. Cashman fight taken from the catwalks at the Aud. It is hanging in Marinaro's in Larkinville if you are ever in the area. Last time I was in there which was a few years ago, the owner also had one or two of the collector item sabre's which were I believe a numbered limited edition item from back in the 70's
  7. Desperation today might “block” prospects in the future, and we all know the Sabres creed… Thou shalt not block. 😂
  8. I wish it was that easy for me to put a positive spin on the play of three guys who are terrible(Bryson, Pilut & Fitz) versus one who looks to be better in Clague. Your efforts are to be commended.
  9. I have never cared much for Marek as his habit of bringing up obscure hockey references of the past comes across as, “look at how smart I am”. That being said, I agree 100% on this. This was probably a once in a career chance for Tage to score 6 or 7 goals, and F Columbus if they didn’t like it(I am speculating that this was DG’s reasoning). Tough…if they don’t like it, STOP HIM.
  10. Which then begs the question, why hire this extensive analytics staff, if the coaching staff is not going use them to their advantage?
  11. When all are healthy, the top 5 of Dahlin, Samuelsson, Power, Joker & Lybushkin are solid. The problem is the #6 spot, and when injuries hit the 7 & 8 spots. Bryson, Fitz & Pilut are pretty much the same guy…on the small side, none very physical, and liabilities in their own end. This leads to… I know it was only a handful of games, but the eye test says that Clague looked better than any of the three listed above. Why not give him another look, or make a trade to improve the 6-7-8 spot. The goal scoring barrage is going to slow down, and the deficiencies at defense and goaltending will haunt them. What say you Kevyn Adams?
  12. Is it summer yet? The worse part of WNY winters are the endless gray gloomy days. 😞
  13. From a statistical standpoint in regards to TT, has there been a better start to a season by a Sabre since Mogilny & Lafontaine were wearing the Blue & Gold?
  14. Giving Mittlestadt and Oloffson a game or two in the press box(not necessarily on the same night) is a must. Not sure what DG is waiting for. If nothing else, Asplund would make that line better in the defensive zone. …and that line should NEVER be on the ice with the 3rd pair defensemen.
  15. 😂. UPL isn’t even mediocre at the AHL level, but I guess it is nice to dream.
  16. UPL, Bryson & Pilut all should be in Rochester by this time tomorrow…never to be seen in a Sabre uniform ever again.
  17. I missed it too, and didn’t know it is not on MSG, so no replay later. 😞
  18. Another great week by my team…another loss. Now I have 5 guys on bye this week including my top 3 RB. 😂
  19. The Big 10 is a joke almost every year. OSU Michigan & Penn State everyone else The NIL’s are only going to make it worse across D1 football, as the powerhouses and their alumni will line the pockets of these kids. Most years it will be the same. Alabama, Ohio State, another team from the SEC, and then some other team that will make it to the playoffs only to get destroyed. Rinse & repeat.
  20. So better to let young players develop bad habits such as “don’t worry about play in your own end”? Let’s see them break these bad habits as their careers progress.
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