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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I think last nights game has taken its toll on everyone. :(
  2. I am really pissed that Portland has a great group of players, appears to be on the road to having a really good season and instead of being 60 miles to the west of Buffalo, they are in a place that WNY'ers wouldn't even consider driving to for a game, staying overnight and then coming home. FU Donner! :angry:
  3. How I overlooked this last week in the complaint thread is a huge error on my part(I posted this on TBD). A big FU to Time-Warner for still not coming to an agreement with the NFL Network. I sat down last Thursday without giving it much thought, flipped on ESPN expecting to see the game and realized right away that it was on the NFL Network. This week, key AFC East matchup which most people will not be able to see. :angry: :angry: :angry:
  4. Stick to your day job. :nana:
  5. My daughter is in 9th grade now and this has been a beef of mine for several years running. They are now longer teaching the basics, they teach to score well on the standardized exams. What a screwed up system.
  6. No bumper stickers on my car at all, let alone a political one...sorry! :)
  7. Thanks for staying on top of this. I hate when work gets in the way of my "hobbies". :rolleyes:
  8. Complaint of the week! :thumbsup: I don't think people even know what they are doing half the time(on their computer) and if so, should have their computers taken away from them. :wallbash:
  9. Not to mention the slug logo on the shoulder which also looks completely out of place on a jersey whose primary colors are red & black. <_<
  10. Beat up convertible. Made my Saturn look nice. :rolleyes:
  11. As long as it gets me from point a to point b, I've never cared what I was driving.
  12. You are correct and like I said the car is older, but it doesn't change the fact that this dick probably does this several times a day regardless of being parked next to a Saturn or BMW.
  13. Disclaimer...I have a 2001 Saturn that has seen better days, BUT... I'm in a local plaza parking lot on Saturday listening to the radio prior to getting out of my car. A car pulls up alongside me(older man and women(60's), woman driving & man in the passenger seat). He opens the door and absolutely SLAMS it into my driver side door. When he sees me sitting there he starts laughing. I roll down my window and ask him "what the hell are you doing", he just starts to walk away and I yelled out "How about as soon as you get in the store, I slam my car door into yours a few times". At that point, they kept on walking probably thinking I'm ready to snap. What a piece of #%^$#! this guy was and if this had happened with a newer car, you can be damn sure I would have been asking for his insurance card. What pissed me off even more, is wondering how many times this jerkoff does this and nobody is in the car next to him. FU A**hole! :angry: :angry: :angry:
  14. Saturday wasn't too bad and I was there most of Monday, so I'll take 2 out of 4 days(arrived on Friday).
  15. Going from 80+ degree heat in Miami to gray, gloomy, cold crap SUCKS! :angry:
  16. I have nothing to complain about! :rolleyes:
  17. Here's my complaint...it doesn't matter who gets in, Republican or Democrat. They are all crooks. So don't get you panties in a wad when someone says something bad about your candidate. Furthermore, this is a complaint thread, not a political debate thread that will no doubt incite a riot.
  18. I don't like cider and have no fireplace. Instead I get a cold beer, sit near a furnace duct and feel the draft through the window. :lol: One other complaint....I'm taking delivery sometime this week on a new car for the first time since 2001 and I completely forgot what a-holes car salesmen/dealerships are. :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:
  19. I forgot about those. Two wrongs don't make a right! :)
  20. Thanks for starting the thread! :thumbsup: Now to the complaint... I'm sitting in traffic daydreaming and notice the car in front of me is a Subura <I don't know the model> LL Bean Limited Edition. WTF is that? A car linked to a mail order clothing store? Where's the connection? Is the upholestery made of the same material they use for shirts? :D
  21. I'm tired and just sat through a boring JV football game. I missed the point. :blink:
  22. My eyes. Make this post go away! :sick:
  23. What talent and who is a superstar? Rating - :thumbdown: :thumbdown:
  24. Rating - :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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