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Everything posted by LabattBlue
I have no pull around here! :lol: As to changing your title, I don't know how to change my own, let alone yours. :rolleyes:
I have another complaint. I hate idle threats. :doh:
Why can't the Sabres win when I go to the games? :angry:
I do feel cursed. Just hope it ends soon because I have 4 or 5 games down the stretch in March and April and maybe a couple more this month.
The morning idiots on WBEN radio who have to use words like "very difficult" and "treacherous" when describing the driving conditions this morning and any other morning when a snow flake is falling. All that does is send everyone into a panic. I drove Transit Rd. through West Seneca, all the way to Wherle and then downtown. Nothing but wet pavement and slush. Here is a novel idea...why not take calls from people on the roads to get real time updates on conditions instead of some traffic jackass at the station who is reading updates that are 1+ hours old.
I hate this freakin' cold. My inside hood release is frozen and I need to add windshield wiper fluid and oil. :angry:
To all the aholes with your 4WD/AWD who think they are immune from spinning out and/or causing accidents when the weather is bad, I salute you...<insert fu smiley>.
I always order diet coke/pepsi. I just prefer the taste of it to regular cola which is sugary syrupy sweet beyond belief. It has nothing to do with what I am eating nor am I trying to lose weight by drinking it.
I complained about this last week. I've been sick since before New Years. Cold, then sinus infection, now just a hacking cough. :angry:
I'm in the 2nd league Vanek_Man setup and I haven't looked at transactions/lineup changes recently, but I think we only have one owner who has folded up shop and that has at least a month ago. That's what you get when you throw a group of anonymous people together from a hockey board and there is no incentive to participate the entire season.
I've been sick with a cold followed by a sinus infection since before New Years. I hate winter! :angry:
I've mentioned this before and I'd rank it in my all-time top 5 complaints! :thumbsup:
People who still pay for small everyday purchases with checks are MORONS. They are followed closely by people who use their debit/credit card for everything. A cup of coffee from tim hortons...credit card, a loaf of bread at wilson farms...credit card, a bottle of shampoo from rite-aid...credit card, etc....
I have been sick as a dog with a cold and a cough that has kept me from sleeping for two nights running. I am so sick(no pun intended) of laying around the house that I came into work for a few hours today. PS Cough is lingering, cold is pretty much gone.
...and the above mentioned snowblowers! :doh:
My snowblower broke last Friday during the first big blast of snow here in WNY. All my neighbors(at least two houses down on each side and across the street) have snowblowers. You would think that at some point(between all the snow on Friday and Sunday) of me breaking my back, that one of them would have come out and at least taken care of the apron(we get dumped on really bad because the plow picks up the snow as it comes around 150 ft. curve where there are no driveways). To all my immediate neighbors who didn't bail me out except for one quick blast on Monday( I had to ask him while he was out doing his driveway), I got no help. I'm always out there with my snowblower ready to lend a hand if someone else is in a similar situation and was hoping for how a little common courtesy in return. What happened to the "City of Good Neighbors"? :angry:
Can't skip a week and let frustrations build up for a whole extra week. I'm sure there are plenty of "things" to share, so fire away!
Thank goodness Christmas is almost here. I need a distraction from the putrid play of the Bills and Sabres. :angry:
Welcome back. :thumbsup: Just in time for the holidays and a Friday night Sabres v. Leafs battle! Hope all is well!
#1 To the idiots that put the styrofoam packing peanuts in their recycle bin and then let the wind blow them around the development, FU. By the way, I don't think they would even be considered as part of the acceptable recyclable products. #2 To the drivers who can't stop at stop signs, won't yield to traffic with the right of way and have to drive like they are at the Indy 500, WTF is your problem? WNY has short commutes times no matter where you are driving to, what is your f***ing hurry? #3 Now that gas prices are plummeting, how many of the companies who jacked up the prices of their products due to "the higher cost of oil" are now going to drop their prices to levels below where they were previously? <_<
It really sucks that so many people are losing their jobs because of the economy and it is even a bigger kick in the nuts that it is happening around the holidays!
I'm sure I'll be back late tonight with some complaint(s) from the several stops we have to make over the course of the day, but for now, two internet related ones... #1 Please stop with the animated graphics scrolling across the screen. #2 If I want to watch video on your website, I'll click on the play button. Stop the auto play!
Give thanks and then find something to complain about! :rolleyes: