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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. To the "engineers/construction managers" who are involved in repaving streets... When you strip off the old asphalt, take off enough so that when it is repaved, the utility manhole covers aren't 6 inches below the top of the new asphalt. Nothing like driving on a newly paved road and weaving around every manhole. :angry:
  2. huh? :blink:
  3. This woman is the scum of the earth and hopefully will be locked up for a long time... http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/kid_dies_in_drunken_car_crash_WrsPrCkTSqJgvbzMWt8e7N http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/dwi_mom_ignored_children_cries_hBOE5aVkr7HjoC4Um8ppgI "As they were driving, her own daughter [brittany] said, 'Mommy, slow down!' " recounted Melody Sanchez, whose daughter, Kayla Fernandez, 11, was in Carmen Huertas' swerving car early Sunday when the group left a birthday party in Chelsea. "And [Huertas] said, 'If you think this is bad, wait until we get on the highway.' " :angry:
  4. The average high in WNY this time of year should be around 60, but here is the 10 day forecast... http://www.weather.com/outlook/travel/businesstraveler/tenday/USNY0181?from=36hr_topnav_business On top of this forecast, the temps have been in the 40's and low 50's for highs with rain for the last week or so.
  5. Let's hear it!
  6. Facebook and Twitter are useless. I was told to hop on the bandwagon and give them a try. I can't believe the crap people post on there. If you are going to be on the internet at least make good use of your time. Who cares what you are watching on TV tonight or having for dinner tomorrow?
  7. You now only have 1/2 of a day to complain! :D
  8. So what should I expect in late Sep & early Oct?
  9. Where's the indian summer? The weather here in WNY has sucked all week. :angry:
  10. Click on the total posts for a thread from the main page! ;)
  11. I'm complaining that I am only #4 in posts in this thread. I really need to step up my game and find more to complain about! shrader 223 inkman 185 Bmwolf21 177 LabattBlue 148 Crosschecking 147 d4rksabre 135 spndnchz 108 PASabreFan 96
  12. Not to often do I make it until midnight during the week. Bring your complaints early and often!
  13. Guess you're right. I'll fix that!
  14. Next time an airline is looking for volunteers because they are overbooked, they can go F*** themselves. I have an Airtran voucher from last year that I am trying to use. I have tried at least 5 or 6 different cities and numerous weeks/months/different days without any luck. How about next time, you give me a voucher good for any flight that has seats available. :angry:
  15. The kids are back in school. Pay attention during your morning commute and stop driving like maniacs before someone gets hurt!
  16. Summer is over already? :angry: July sucked and except for a nice hot week in mid-august, what happened?
  17. See sub-title. Normally I change it, but forgot about it being Thursday and didn't even check. PS It's not that hard. Typically the complaints for a given day are 3 pages long, so depending on the time of day, go back between 1-3 pages. :doh:
  18. Just got back from a vacation in LA and San Diego. Here is my complaint....Driving from LA to San Diego around noon last Saturday, it took 3 hours for a drive that should have been around 90 minutes. For a huge stretch with nothing but the ocean on one side and mountains on the other, traffic would just randomly go from 0-20 with a few seconds of 40mph and then right back down to 0-20. This was an area with no entrance or exit ramps, just traffic slowing down for no good reason that I could see.
  19. That was me merging the new thread with the old one and then unlocking the old one. Sorry about that. ;)
  20. Does Sony ever learn their lesson with proprietary products. You would have thought that after they lost the VHS vs. Beta war, that it would have been a lesson never forgotten. Tonight I was looking for a digital point and shoot camera. I had it in hand and was ready to buy it until the clerk told me that it can only be used with Sony memory cards(Memory Stick Duo/PRO Duo Media) which were twice as expensive as the memory cards(SD/SDHC) for all the other cameras(at least this was the case in Target). I put the camera back. What a joke.
  21. To all potential vendors out there...stop cold calling me and then get all pissy when I tell you that I have no interest in the crap you are trying to sell to me/my place of business. It sucks being in sales. If you don't like rejection, go flip hamburgers for a living or go back to college.
  22. If I want to drive the speed limit or slightly above it in the right hand lane and it is a multi lane road/freeway, pass me if you don't like, it instead of tailgating me. <insert fu smiley>
  23. As Marv Levy once said, "Where else would you rather be than right here, right now"! :D
  24. Based on a suggestion from SDS, we'll use the same thread from week to week. Bring it!
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