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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I'll hop on this bandwagon. I never viewed Nolan as anything more than a placeholder. He's gone. Who cares. Good riddance.
  2. I think last year was in mid-July. I would expect something similar this year.
  3. I've brought this up in the last few months. Assuming Pysyk is with the Sabres, that leaves McCabe who is coming off two concussions in his first pro season and...???
  4. I'm not going to look up your all posts, but were you making this same type of statement prior to Babcock giving Buffalo the middle finger?
  5. Coming from Detroit where they lived for a decade in a similar city/suburban area comparable to Buffalo, I wouldn't have thought there would be a problem coming here. That being said, I am not sure where Mrs. Babcock grew up. Maybe she is from the GTA. Unless you are used to the big city lifestyle, the traffic alone can be a major culture shock.
  6. This year was an exception in that a "great" not "good" coach hit the market in Babcock. The rest of the field isn't any different from most other years. McLellan, Bylsma, a handful of retreads with NHL HC experience, a few AHL guys, etc...
  7. Now I'm jealous, and no, I don't want to know how you came to that conclusion. Even though I have been fairly quiet on the KP front since Pegs took over, we may have to duel for the title of KP's #1 sabrespace fan. :devil:
  8. He So he was the PSU arena manager, a fundraiser and head of the fan club. Yep. Solid credentials to move into a significant role with an NHL team. LOL Oh...and coach of the PSU club hockey team! LOL I bet Battista and Quinny would be great friends and be able to swap stories about their roles with the Sabres.
  9. It would be interesting to know why Battista ended up being the one from the organization providing a quote for the article. Clearly the author wouldn't have sought him out.
  10. There is only one person who deserves credit for the PSU hockey program/arena and that is Pegula. Without his money, that hockey program would be nowhere. If Battista gets any credit it should be for pestering Pegula until he wrote the check.
  11. His current role(at least according to himself) is quite the step up from his last role at Penn State(bolded above). Cronyism at its finest. :lol: :lol:
  12. Without someone on the inside, all we can do is hope that Murray is left alone to do his job as GM. If Battista is one of these guys who is stirring the pot behind the scenes and has Pegula's ear, hopefully Pegula takes it with a grain of salt. IMO one thing is for sure..the day Battista interferes with Murray and his job as GM, Murray goes to Pegula and either gets Battista put in his place, gets him fired, or Murray quits.
  13. I always found sabrespace to be a happy medium between sabresfans.com(pretty much anything goes) and hockeysfuture.com(where the moderators rule with an iron fist). I agree. I'd like to see TB vs. CHI, but TB vs. ANA would hopefully be equally entertaining.
  14. You have mentioned this several times this morning. What exactly is going to be "clearer" after 6 weeks of the regular season? It will still be an extremely young core(Eichel, Girgs, Kane, Reinhart, etc...) and a brand new coach.
  15. To all the hockey purists...was this an awful game because 11 goals were scored? I'd take 5-4 and 6-5 games every day of the week(especially in the regular season) over 1-0, 2-1, 2-0, etc.... snoozefests.
  16. My predictions took a turn for the worse around noon today. :angry:
  17. If the reports are true, Boucher should be as pissed as the Sabres FO. I'm not sure who got bent over more around lunch time today, Pegula or Boucher? Babcock is a great coach, but in the end, the coach is only as good as the players on the ice. Hey 'c-ock...have fun dealing with that trainwreck of a roster and even more, have fun dealing with the Toronto media.
  18. Sorry to cherry pick one sentence from a pretty good post, but IMO there is no way franchises like Florida and Arizona, and all their fans dressed as empty seats, are not losing money year after year. In MLB with a huge TV contract, I can believe that even the teams with the worst home attendance are still showing a profit. Not so for NHL owners.
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