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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I can’t believe they are going forward with the playoffs in July and August format, and then screwing up next season by starting late and either ending late, compressing the schedule, or reducing the number of games. Anyways, I have tuned out watching the news because I’m sick of hearing the same stuff over and over...but hockey related...how are the hockey players from outside the US and Canada getting back here? Isn’t there an international travel ban coming into the US?
  2. I've been on the trade Montour bandwagon since last fall. Just don't care for his style, and he is one bargaining chip that could be used to bring in much needed forward help...by himself or in a package. Back to the thread topic...Risto was better than in past years, but that isn't saying much. I'd give him another season.
  3. What the heck is happening to my teams? It’s one thing to be good but with a dysfunctional front office, but to be dysfunctional and suck for years on end? One thing comes to mind...Daniel Snyder’s ownership of the Redskins. ???
  4. I still contend that Bettman doesn’t want to cancel before the NBA does. If the NBA cancelled tomorrow, Bettman would follow suit immediately.
  5. Just cancel already. This is embarrassing. Who cares about hockey in the middle of summer played in empty arenas?
  6. According to the page..Houle on the left, Tardif on the right, but I have no idea. I’ll go with you. ???
  7. That was the easy one. ?. The other 2 had decent NHL careers.
  8. Saw this on a Facebook page I follow. This trio put up a combined 277 points in 68-69. Any guesses for those who did not see this posted on Facebook?
  9. How has Toronto, a city of several million people, have so few cases and deaths from COVID-19? https://www.toronto.ca/home/covid-19/covid-19-latest-city-of-toronto-news/covid-19-status-of-cases-in-toronto/
  10. I said the same sort of thing up thread....and yes it is a "dick move".
  11. NYS shutdown extended to 5/15. Wait until it gets extended to the end of May...end possibly into June. Have to protect the idiots from themselves.
  12. The WNY weather is terrible this week. Cold, windy and then...snow last night, and as of right now, it still hasn’t melted. This quarantine will be so much easier once the weather starts warming up...hopefully next week we get back to around average temps. ???
  13. I'm sure everyone will be working as hard and fast as possible Just frustrating. Thanks for the info.
  14. I was never much of a science person, so help me out... In this day and age of modern medicine, and all kind of experts and $$$ to work on the problem, why would it take a year or more to develop a vaccine, and put this to rest?
  15. Isn't #1 a direct result of the team sucking since Pegula took over? I want to see the new Director of Ticket Sales succeed when there is IMO about to be the largest STH rebellion the Sabres have ever faced. Also, is #3 responsible for in game experience, or booking events into the arena?
  16. Was OSP brought in to consult on this?
  17. I like the salty ones flavored with butter. Bachman?
  18. I’ll stick to my prediction made in another thread. As soon as the NBA cancels the remainder of its season, Bettman will fall right in line and do likewise.
  19. https://buffalonews.com/2020/04/02/local-entercom-radio-stations-facing-furloughs-layoffs-salary-cuts/
  20. If one of the players coming back is a sure fire HoF'er like Forsberg, I wouldn't even care what else is coming back. I'd make the deal in a heartbeat.
  21. When are they just going to cancel the season? Bettman has to follow the lead of the NBA. God forbid he grow some balls and just make the decision first.
  22. Im surprised more retail stores(non food related) haven’t shutdown. With schools out and kids looking for places to go, I would think it’s only a matter a time before malls(germ breeding ground) and other retail stores close up shop.
  23. Really disappointing in that on paper the forward ranks should be better than prior to the trade deadling(Kahun & Simmonds >> Sheary & Erod), yet the Sabres come out and ***** the bed in 4 consecutive games with the new guys in the lineup.
  24. I expected more based on the hype prior to the draft. I know he is only 20(or will be next month), but he looks a long way from being an all-star, let alone Norris Trophy contender, or worthy of anything close to a "max contract".
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