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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. 10 years of the Sabres SUCKING outweighs any community endeavors. Sorry.
  2. As we approach the beginning of the 4th week of June, it looks like the NHL’s plan to finish this season is looking bleak....which is okay with me. Just shelf the season, and hope that come October the 20-21 season can begin on time.
  3. After another dismal season, followed by this weeks bloodbath, my hope tank is at empty. ?
  4. Allow me to present the glass half empty point of view...the more time they have to address things, the better chance they have of screwing it up. ???
  5. I don’t think it was a paid outside consulting group. I thought it was just someone from the NHL offices? Maybe I’m wrong
  6. ...but would he keep terry and kim informed of every last thing he does?
  7. I mean whomever they have been relying on for advice since buying the team
  8. Damn. That’s what I get for not reading the thread. Can I be your assistant?
  9. The problem is they relied on outsiders for these “recommendations”. Maybe hire an experience VP of hockey ops, let him make the choices and you get out of the way. What vested interest does an outside have in terms of a correct recommendation?
  10. I want the position of personal security guard for Adams. Primary task...keep him away from Terry and Kim and vice versa. I will also screen all his calls and emails.
  11. Just one note on possibly favoring development over winning aka “don’t bring in so many pricey ahl vets”. If the team is getting caved in night after night because of the need to make the organization leaner, how is that good for prospect development except for learning to chase the other team with the puck all night long?
  12. If true, this makes me laugh, makes me angry, and makes me embarrassed that this is my team.
  13. When Adams is rolled out for a media appearance, does Kim work the puppet strings and Terry acts as the ventriloquist, or is it the other way around?
  14. Adam Mair, Matt Ellis, Kevyn Adams... who is going to be left to run the hockey daycare academy?
  15. I don’t care what type of scouting they go to, as long as they don’t even think about drafting a blue liner in the next couple of drafts. Should be nothing but forwards, and sprinkle in a goalie or two.
  16. How did Peters and Rivet survive the ultimatum to get “leaner”?
  17. I just can’t feel good about this hiring knowing that they interviewed NO ONE ELSE, and instead just hired a guy internally from the business side of the organization. ???
  18. If this is a number the Sabres are putting out there, the only answer is “fuzzy math”.
  19. Im kind of out of the loop now as I dropped out of my STH group prior to this season. Has the renewal date already come and gone?
  20. No. That is Kruegers buddy. Smith and his ***** PK are safe for now
  21. The train is off the tracks and is out of control going downhill. smh
  22. I’d be shocked if he even excels at the AHL level. Have not been impressed at either of the prospect camps he has attended...but I will say last summer he was better(still below average) compared to his 1st go round.
  23. My thoughts exactly!!
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