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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Some good suggestions, but Larsson at 2.8 mil per year for 3 years? ?
  2. This is a lot like the praise Housley was getting for his work with the Nashville blue liners. Instead, more often than not it is the players making the coach look good(or bad), not the other way around.
  3. Good for Lindy...I never thought I’d long for the Ruff/Regier years(end of their run as Sabres).
  4. I thought it was Terry, Kym and the two daughters. ?
  5. Not surprised at all about Dudley. Just wait until the off-season. I wouldn’t at all be surprised, if Adams is swindled both in F/A and trades.
  6. He's just riding on Goodell's coat tails. Roger embraced it, and seems to enjoy it. Bettman just being a phony imitating Goodell.
  7. Maybe not dumb, but that smug expression on his face, makes me dislike him immensely. ?
  8. Either he doesn't want to play at C, he is willing to but sucks at it, or the coaches just want to keep him on Eichel's wing. Bottom line, it looks like Reinhart is a RW going forward.
  9. Not time for TimHo's, they have to focus on the Pegula kiddies overpriced smoothie and salad place around the corner from Tim's. Can't let it fail. Have to find a way to keep the kids busy.
  10. About other Stanley Cup teammates in Toronto, Armstrong reports: “I haven’t spoken to Nevvy (Bob Nevin) in awhile but I did talk on the phone with Dave Keon the other day in Florida. He’s fine and being very careful with all the [COVID–19] infections down there. Unfortunately, Shackie (Eddie Shack) isn’t doing well in his cancer fight. Which is sad (Shack, 83, has entered palliative care). And, I’m told Bobby Baun is also ailing, though I’m not certain what’s wrong; if he also has cancer. And, of course, we lost ol’ Red [Kelly] a few years ago. What a super guy. And, a great hockey player. But, hey, that’s life. None of us are going to live forever.” http://betweentheposts.ca/2020/07/the-chief-is-90-and-spectacular/?fbclid=IwAR1GFeMVbv4SKVJ_ZjWUbQy3fOnVvKH8ymhwVKfrTc6WhDo0wAywesm8nSM Very sad! ?
  11. I was really hoping for an amnesty buyout(s). Without it, the Skinner contract is going to hurt for a long time...even worse than KO.
  12. Sorry...I don’t buy the whole “play in”, “pre-playoff” nonsense. You are either out like the Sabres, or you are in, like 24 teams are....and the 24 teams who are in the playoffs should not have been part of the lottery. ...and fair point on Detroit and Ottawa. I just don’t like the lottery and never have, so I am always biased.
  13. Heard Brian Burke on Sirius NHL channel yesterday. Ripped the NHL for their draft lottery “special” rules for this year. Made me want to reach through the radio and give him a hug. I hope that idiot Bettman was listening. Not only did Detroit and Ottawa get boned, but one of the “playoff” teams is going to get the 1st overall pick.
  14. Gretzky LaFleur Dionne Bossy Orr
  15. C’mon Punch...you know that it’s a flat organization where everyone reports to everyone. That way when things go south, you can’t look at the org chart and try to figure out who is to blame. Remember that we the fans are stupid and don’t really understand the master plan that Kimmy and Terry have put in place.
  16. IMO Dudley is not coming here...either because the Pegula’s are idiots and they think Kevyn Adam can be the front office hockey leader, or Dudley gets the call and hangs up the phone laughing hysterically. Either way, it’s not happening.
  17. Ask yourself...do you think Dudley wants to work with Adams, when every time they have a conversation, Adams excuses himself to run the idea past Kimmy and Terry? If I was a betting man, I’d guess there is ZERO chance Dudley accepts a job with the Sabres FO....and this is assuming they are even smart enough to offer him a job...which is doubtful.
  18. Not a favorite of mine, but this sucks for a guy that I’m guessing is in his early 50’s, and his entire career has been spent in a small media market. Best of luck Paul!
  19. Bottom line...there are 24 teams still “playing” after the regular season was declared over...and those teams should not be in the lottery.
  20. I still think it is BS that teams that are in the playoffs are also in the lottery. ?
  21. Terry and the Mrs have learned NOTHING. To quote a great man... ‘Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.’
  22. No org chart. Flat organization. The GM, the zamboni driver, the housekeeper and Sabretooth all report to Kimmy, and they have have input on all hockey matters.
  23. Not going to happen.
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