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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I'll admit I don't see Cirelli much in the regular season, but whenever I watched TB in the playoffs(I didn't see all their games), he was very underwhelming in terms of his offensive game. I'm sure he has a very nice 200' game, but I'm glad the Sabres aren't in the market for him. Maybe it was just a bad playoff year for him?
  2. I guess this would describe me? šŸ˜‚
  3. I would make #2....swap out a RHD for a LHD via trade(s). To me that would be much more important than adding another forward. Take away Bogo who never played anyways, and you basically have the same d corp as last year...which IMO was not a playoff caliber group.
  4. Iā€™m okay with the 1 year deal. Keep your options open.
  5. My 2 cents...from what I saw of Laaksonen, Borgen and Bryson either at rookie camp, training camp or the rare Amerks game on TV here in WNY, in terms of potential to have an NHL future(even as a 5-6-7 guy), Iā€™d go Borgen, Bryson and Laaksonen a distant 3rd. Every time Iā€™ve seen Laaksonen, he doesnā€™t impress at all, and it doesnā€™t surprise me that he was a complete off the charts pick. He has improved, but itā€™s all relative. His 1st rookie camp he was by far the worst player on the ice. Last year was better, but nowhere near being the cream of the crop among his peers at rookie camp. This year? Who knows. Is he slated for the Amerks...if there is an AHL season?
  6. I donā€™t think there is any way a New Years Day winter classic is being held this year with fans...and is it even worth holding if there are no fans?
  7. I wonder if that would be enough to get Seattle to take Skinner? They are going to regret that contract a lot more than even Okposo's. In fact, even if Hall loves Buffalo and wants to stay beyond this season, I can't see how it happens as long as Skinner is a Sabre.
  8. According to a very unreliable rumor site with the word "buzz" in it(from a couple days ago), one option the NHL is considering is that the minor league team will travel with the big club, and play a game against the AHL team of whomever the Sabres are playing that night. Hockey day/night doubleheaders, I guess you could call them. I'm sure this would be grouped with all regional opponents to reduce travel costs as much as possible. Interesting thought, not sure how seriously it is being considered.
  9. I heard it through the grapevine that he is next.
  10. Figures...more of the keep it in house, sign guys you know...good ole boys network. Excellent use of analytics!
  11. One way, or two way deal? Sounds like the kind of a guyt who could have been signed to an AHL contract for 200k or so.
  12. There is NO WAY the owners are going to give players their full salary for a season that will only be 60 or so games, AND attendance will either be severely limited or not allowed at all. Not going to happen.
  13. B = Broad Street Bullies B = Blue(Aud Seats) D = Marcel Dionne F = Mike Foligno
  14. Montour is singing this song daily...
  15. Regarding Hamiltonā€™s comments...was Sam the guy Hamilton always criticized for not attending RORā€™s ā€œpractice after practiceā€. If so, let it go Paul.
  16. If I had to rank which of the 3 RHD to trade for help in other areas... 1 - Montour . . . . 2 - Miller 3 - Risto
  17. I canā€™t remember. Can they rule for either for 1 year or 2 year award, or is just 1 year?
  18. I'd give Mitts massive minutes in the upcoming AHL season(assuming there is one), he puts up 70-80 points, and in the off-season hope someone makes a decent offer for him, and doesn't realize he is fools gold. šŸ‘
  19. Just a reality check...building a playoff team is more than just collecting talent. Find the right mix or you may end up on the outside looking in...again.
  20. I flipped on the Instigators this morning as I was out for a ride. Rivet's unbridled love for Thompson is hilarious. In a span of 30 minutes, I think I heard 6'6" 230 lbs, at least 3 times..and HIGHLY SKILLED. Not sure if this is a daily occurrence, but it was a bit of comic relief in an otherwise depressing year. Damn...I guess we have the next great power forward waiting in the wings...fresh off a demotion to the AHL which ended a 1/4 of the way into the season with an injury.
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