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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Bravo. Take a bow. šŸ‘
  2. For those who think the Pegulaā€™s will sell the Sabres in the near future, think again. I believe the plan is still to build the Bills new stadium in the cobblestone/HSBC Atrium/Perry Projects area, and they will have their little kingdom complete...Sabres, Bills, stadium, arena, harbor center, PSE HQ, Labbatt brew house, 716, etc... Of course from a Sabres fan perspective, none of this is good news. Any owner who can run a hockey team so poorly over a decade, gives fans NO HOPE that there is light at the end of the tunnel.
  3. The Pegulaā€™s have backed themselves into a corner, and will continue to dig their heels in. I think they realize they screwed up with hiring Ralph & Kevyn, and on top of that got rid of numerous hockey side of the business positions. I donā€™t think they change anything in the off-season in terms of off-ice staff, and make minimal changes to the team. I donā€™t believe Adams has the stones to deal any major pieces off the team except for pending UFAā€™s...Hall, Staal and Montour. The biggest problem with that? Massive fan base revolt...playing in front of a half filled arena come the fall. Where is the shining star that is the future of the Sabres and gives the fans something to believe in? Ownership, GM, HC, Players...how about none of them?
  4. Didnā€™t watch a minute of either weekend matinee. I can see it was another solid effort. Iā€™d love to be a fly on the wall for tomorrowā€™s KA/KP meeting followed by KA/RK meeting. What the heck is being said amongst them? Seriously...are they spouting ā€œstay the courseā€ malarkey?
  5. Ullmark injury will just be another excuse at the end of the season when they miss the playoffs...again. Is it possible to have less than zero interest in the team? That is where I feel Iā€™m heading. šŸ˜ž
  6. Well...clearly Botts and Co, along with the owners(who know more than the fans)...couldnā€™t see IT!
  7. It would be nice if one of the reporters was blunt with Ralphie and asked...ā€What exactly is it that Jeff Skinner isnā€™t doing correctlyā€?
  8. Iā€™d like to believe this, but if it is the case, where were said teammates during the 18-19 season exit interviews, stating there are problems with Skinner? You know, the kind of statements that may have convinced the Sabres to let him walk instead of committing $72 mil to him. Then again it wouldnā€™t surprise me if some of these clowns knew there was a problem playing with Skinner, and still said NOTHING.
  9. Give it a rest Perry Mason...last time I looked SabreSpace wasnā€™t a court of law. šŸ˜‚
  10. I said itā€™s speculation on my part. What is it you would like me to say other than previously stated? Pegulaā€™s are involved in the day to day operations of the team? Is that good enough?
  11. The PSE 20 somethings who came up with this idea, need to be let go...not promoted. It is a terrible idea. Just let it go until October...when the fans will really be full of piss and vinegar.
  12. Good point. He is taking the honest way to a career in Hockey(post playing). Didn't he realize that going to work for the Academy of Hockey will get him an NHL role much quicker? šŸ˜‚
  13. 1 - Ralph Krueger is at fault. Jeff Skinner is being mismanaged/misused. 2 - Jeff Skinner should play for the Buffalo Sabres as a top six forward. 3 - Ralph Krueger should no longer work for the Buffalo Sabres.
  14. You think on the 2nd biggest contract on the team that the Pegula's had no involvement at all whether a simple "sign him/don't sign him" or anything related to the contract? I am just speculating, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet the house that they were involved, and I don't mean "okay Jason go ahead and do whatever you feel is right".
  15. I didn't go back and scour the boxscores, but it seemed that Thompson had more of an opportunity with Jack. I will defer to you.
  16. I know his two seasons in the AHL with Ontario he played under his Sabres contract, but last season and this one, he is playing for Hershey at an AHL vet type salary at the age of 37. He must really love playing professional hockey when after spending a decade in the NHL living the dream, has gone back to riding buses. Don't get me wrong, if he is making 500-700k(or more), its definitely more than he would be making in the real world. Just not a choice you see many established NHL'ers make as their careers come to an end.
  17. I wonder if Kym was in the room and Kevyn had Meehan on speaker? People need to stop blaming Botts for the Skinner contract when no one knows how much say Pegula(s) had in terms of the contract dollars, length or conditions(full NMC). My guess is they had a lot of say!
  18. Miss the playoffs, send Staal, Hall and Montour(all pending UFA's) all packing by the TDL, bring back Ralph and his crappy assistants, and dont bring in any experienced voices in the FO. Fast forward to next October. I can't wait to see the crowds at KBC. They will be beyond embarrassing.
  19. How can a guy like Tage go between playing on Jacks wing and the press box, while Skinner was nailed to the 4th line for almost the entire season to date, and then sent to the press box? I've mentioned this recently, but Tage's offensive game seems to have regressed from his 1st season here, and even then it was nothing to get excited about. He is a bust. I'm done with him. Let him play in Rochester the next 2-1/2 years. Nice signing Adams.
  20. I'll simplify this. Shooting wide from 15' and in. Drives me crazy. I realize you don't want to be aiming for the jersey crest, but you also don't have to aim for a 3" x 3" target along the inside of the goalposts/cross bar. I don't know if there is a fancy stat on this, but Jack seems to be a common offender of this.
  21. Iā€™ll give you one good reason to throw Skinner in the top 6 and PP1... TRADE VALUE! Right now with ZERO goals and sitting in the press box, even if the Sabres retained a huge chunk of the contract(I donā€™t know what the max is that a team can retain), what will the return be? Ralph is being stubborn, and has ruined the chance of Skinner being productive as a Sabre.
  22. Didnā€™t watch any of it. Hope some of the young guys looked good.
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