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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. Just spoke to someone who called worried about my car warranty running out. I pressed "1" to speak with someone, (mis)informed him that I have no car, but can he help with my two bicycles. <click>...I guess he doesn't deal in bikes. πŸ˜‚
  2. At this point, I may heave a heart attack and keel over on the spot, if KP and TP came to their senses and hired an experienced PoHO.
  3. My daughter getting married this year. Currently any wedding number above 100 people requires a negative covid test(at the expense of guest or bride and groom) prior to admittance. But you can go to a bar with music, drinking, eating & dancing(same things that happen at a wedding), and no test is required. How can this be? It is exactly the same thing. F U Cuomo! 😑
  4. Does anyone expect Eichel to play again this season?
  5. You know what would be appropriate at this point...if in a post game interview, a player or coach was wearing a BS hat. πŸ˜‚
  6. ...you know that eventually these clowns will find a way to win a couple games in a row, even 2 out of 3, and KP, TP, KA & RK will sit back and say... See, all is well. Stay the course.
  7. I don't give a damn how poor Joker is playing. Having Irwin in the lineup instead of him is a fireable offense...even Miller instead of him is bad. Ralphie is definitely not playing with a full deck.
  8. (If I was still a STH)...When I am asked why I am cancelling my tickets for next season, I would hope all STH would mention this as one of MANY reasons why they will not be renewing. If I need money, I will drill another well...seems like ancient history. Just keep sticking it to the fanbase. The Pegula's deserve ZERO support as Sabres owners. NONE. ZIP. ZILCH. NADA. I wonder if there is any franchise from the Big 4 4 NA sports leagues that has had a team so mismanaged over the course of a decade...10 FRIGGIN' YEARS.
  9. First it was cheering for losses in hopes of getting McDavid. Now it's cheering for losses in hopes of Ralph getting fired. When will I be cheering for wins? 😞 Do Terry and Kim have any idea what they have done to the Sabres fanbase?
  10. C’mon...if Terry is going to hire a college coach he would have to be hired away from the mighty Penn State. Connect the dots. πŸ˜‚ On a more serious note, if this happened, it might be the straw that broke the camels back for the fans who remain loyal($$$) to this team.
  11. It is so bad and so obvious, I have to wonder...was someone in the creative department flat out afraid to reject this design submitted by the owner's adult child, despite realizing within 5 seconds that it should never see the light of day.
  12. I know I posted this in the draft prospect thread, but it also seems appropriate here. Sabres are looking for help, but have no scouts for Finland, Russia, or the WHL. It's so bad, it's comical.
  13. Someone please tell me this isn’t true... 😞
  14. I only had to read one line of the job description...The Director of Fan Development will play a key role in growing and sustaining the fanbase of the Buffalo Sabres. LOL. Good luck with that! https://recruiting.ultipro.com/HOC10001BFLO/JobBoard/4d61dcfa-1b56-4c81-b31a-0e36b69a57fa/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=35e807f6-072c-4241-9657-32bae59700b8 If not, how about working with the Pegula daughters as Manager of the Healthy Scratch. πŸ˜‚ https://recruiting.ultipro.com/HOC10001BFLO/JobBoard/4d61dcfa-1b56-4c81-b31a-0e36b69a57fa/OpportunityDetail?opportunityId=627e130f-00f0-434b-a1e4-1bb7bc097017
  15. So even though we have no decent center on the team outside of Eichel(Lazar is okay as a 4C), all of a sudden Sam can play center? Why hasn't this been tried for a period of time over the last two years Ralphie?
  16. I often find it odd that a national hockey guy breaks a story like this over the fantastic local beat guys, or even a Sabres employee such as Peters, Biron, River or Duff.
  17. I know NHL injuries have to be treated like they are part of a secret society, but I'd feel much better about the future of Eichel as a Sabre, if they fessed up that he has been playing through an injury the entire year, it's not getting better, and we are shutting him down for the season.
  18. I hope this(along with the injuries to McCabe and Ullmark) will not make the powers that be, believe that Ralph is not the problem.
  19. He wasn't in the role long enough to question his hiring. πŸ˜‚
  20. Maybe what causes threads like this to be started, is when a team president looking for a GM conducts NO interviews, and just hires an under qualified employee who was running the youth hockey academy, because of familiarity. Fast forward 9 months, and the team is as bad as ever. Does this seem like a sound business decision? πŸ˜‚
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