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Everything posted by LabattBlue

  1. I want Beniers...anyone else and I will be disappointed.
  2. But it is a shock that he was so bad that they never offered him a contract.
  3. Oops. Fixed. No more s! šŸ˜Ž
  4. There is ZERO chance that ultimatum is coming from Adams and Karmanos. 0.0%
  5. If Beniers is a very good 2 way player who can score 50-60 points a year, be a good locker room guy and a member of the core for the next 10 years, sign me up...even if he is more of a 2C than a 1C. No Power, Clarke or any other blueliner for me. If they miss out on Beniers, than give me Eklund or one of the other highly ranked forwards.
  6. My point is if they were so enamored with Allen, they were risking that he would be taken in the first few picks. That is where they were ā€œluckyā€....that he lasted until the 7th pick.
  7. Not that he is going anywhere, but Iā€™d love JG Pageau on the Sabres, and Iā€™d kill for a 4th line like Clutterbuck, Martin and Cizikas.
  8. Is it possible that Eichel doesnā€™t want this crazy surgery at all, but is taking the public stance just to create a rift between him and the team, in hopes that the relationship goes south to the point where they trade him?
  9. I would love for them to hire this no name scrub Penn State HC. I have been looking for the final nail into the coffin of my Sabres fandom, and this would do it. ...and no one can convince me otherwise that Pegula would be behind this guy being granted an interview for a HC position at the highest level of professional hockey. His beloved Penn State is the ultimate place to look for a hockey hire...outside of the HatborCenter that is.
  10. Itā€™s not the Bills leadership(Beane and McD) as much as it was lucking into Josh Allen. Think about where that team would be today if they had ended up with Rosen instead of Allen? That being said, there is no easy turnaround for the Sabres. Best players want out, greener than green GM who was hired because the owners are ā€œcomfortableā€ with him, still have a gutted off-ice hockey staff, no HC, goaltending is a mess, etc...
  11. It sounds more like a case of a front office that has no plan. šŸ˜”
  12. I feel your pain. Iā€™ve also been a fan since 1970. All my frustration with the team is directed at the Pegulaā€™s, and I donā€™t see even a spec of light at the end of the tunnel. Just sell the team already. šŸ˜ž
  13. The plan to connect Rte 5 to the 190 via an industrial part of South Buffalo, and then take down the Skyway, has been around for a long time now. Itā€™s not going to happen anytime in the next decade or two(probably never), no matter how many press conferences Higgins holds.
  14. If this has been discussed up thread I apologize, but has Samā€™s willingness to play center(and be pretty good at it) have anything to do with his biggest payday just around the corner? What if he goes back to, I donā€™t want to play center? Why after years of having no viable 2C on the roster, does Reinhart magically appear to fill the role?
  15. Beautiful summary of how baseball has been ruined by the ā€œhome run or strike outā€ mentality. It sucks. šŸ˜ž
  16. If being the laughingstock of the NHL for the last decade hasnā€™t humiliated and embarrassed them, nothing will.
  17. Do the final four teams get seeded based on regular season point totals?
  18. Since taxpayer money is probably going to fund at least half of any project, when will these ā€œsecretā€ studies for a new stadium and/or arena renovation be released to the public?
  19. What a joke and an embarrassment to that franchise. What if you wore a tshirt, hat, or sweatshirt with the opposing teams logo. Is that ok? If part of my job was to enforce that policy, Iā€™d quit on the spot
  20. At one point I would have been happy to contribute to an airplane banner or a billboard. Now....not worth it. It would have no impact on these clueless owners. There is clearly a major disconnect between ownership and the fans. To those who still want to defend them, good for you. For the rest of us, there arenā€™t enough rosaries, candles, wishing wells, etc... in the world that would change them into competent owners.
  21. Only time will tell. Terry and Kim appreciate your loyalty...i hope they reward you by jacking up prices again. For the record, I have been in a group that has shared 4 tickets since the early 2000ā€™s. We had been losing people over the last four years, and 19-20 was the last of the remaining members of the group. They stole enough money from me over the last decade. That game has come to an end.
  22. Back or neck. That being said, i felt kind of ripped off when i saw him two years ago, as I was unaware heā€™d be sitting the entire concert...except for one song if I remember correctly.
  23. As long as we are off topic, I enjoyed all the SW movies. Hard to get angry about a movie that entertains. To me...they all accomplished that. Then again, Im not a SW fanboy, so maybe that is why I canā€™t get worked up about this or that not being right in any of the 3 trilogies.
  24. Iā€™m sure the STH renewal numbers will be a closely guarded secret, but I expect them to drop by 2k-3k. Good thing if Terry needs money, he will just drill another well...right?
  25. Is Phil going to be sitting in a chair for the entire concert...like he did on his recent solo tour?
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