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Everything posted by Ctaeth

  1. i think we missed boosh pretty bad that last period
  2. "and buffalo is going to ice the puck here" on repeat
  3. Comrie having himself a game 😁
  4. Pumped for this game, missed the first two b/c of other stuff going on. Will be my first regular season game this year, let's go Sabres!
  5. Missed a majority of the game, but I heard bits and pieces on the radio. One bit that I heard they were interviewing Peterka post game and asking him how he felt after his first goal. He responded "I was like holy f***!", which I found to be pretty funny. Censors must have been furious 😆
  6. I guess let me turn this around on you and ask what's the harm in having a "lame duck" behind the bench to start this year? It would seem that your issue is the message it sends to the team. IMO, management has already given the team a huge vote of confidence by signing players to extensions (some might even say prematurely signing), so I don't really see him not being signed to start the season as sending a bad message. I see nothing wrong with extending him early/mid season if things are trending the right way. To me, it just seems early. I think he is likely to be the guy, but you're signing a coach that has presided over pretty bad results to date. I see what the rest of you see with the progression of the players like Tage and Dahlin, but if there isn't progression like is expected this year in the standings, tides might turn pretty quickly. If they finish at the bottom of the Atlantic this year (which I don't think is going to happen, but it is possible), are you as glad that you sent a "great message" to the team by resigning early?
  7. Certainly am a bit surprised by this coming right now. Feels early doesn't it? With that being said, he has looked great so far. There's no reason IMO that he shouldn't be proceeding into "phase 2" of the rebuild, where the team gets the chance to turn the corner. He's earned that much at least But it still feels early..
  8. My most sincere apologies, sir. I did not intend to confuse! 😆 edit: I will say that context could've helped in this case, haha. "it would be nice to see him have a standout day"
  9. Hoping Peterka shows out today. I'm not sure if he will end up in Rochester or Buffalo to start the season, but it would be nice to see him have a standout day and force the coaching staff to keep him on the Sabres
  10. They don't field a team like that with the intention to NOT compete. They were looking for guys to step up and shine. It didn't happen this go around, but there are more preseason games left 🤷‍♂️ I agree though, it can be hard to judge these guys without some more NHL level talent mixed in
  11. sloppy game from most of the team. was a chance to impress for a lot of these guys, but i don't believe anyone jumped off the screen
  12. Quinn has looked pretty dangerous at times tonight
  13. just tuning in. any standouts or is it hard to tell b/c of the bad def?
  14. I feel like he's kind of been the forgotten man, despite actually having pretty good AHL stats for it being his first year. He looked amazing vs the prospects and said he wanted to push to make the team. Nice to have that sort of depth
  15. nice goal and puck movement
  16. Kulich empty netter. good to see him get a goal. 3 point outing!
  17. that savoie goal was a really nice way to kill njd momentum
  18. biron singing laaksonens praises right now. 2 assists, nice to hear
  19. just tuning. nice to see they appear to be cruising. has the play been one sided or is it just the score? also nice to see kisakov potted one, nice highlight there
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