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Dreams Burn Down

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Everything posted by Dreams Burn Down

  1. Ask yourself this, if we are tanking, and the evidence is mounting in favor of this, why would we hire a coach with a proven track record, such as Boudreau?
  2. If we were an attractive destination for a non-"entry level guy", then I'm all in on whoever that might be. That, unfortunately, has not happened for whatever reason. So, the players are going to have to lean on each other until we become that attractive destination.
  3. My apologies. I should have removed his name and substituted it with "any coach." The players have to overcome their fragileness themselves. We keep recycling coaches and GMs, yet these mental collapses keep recurring. Talent is obviously an issue, but, at some point, the players in that room have to develop mental toughness.
  4. I think that having more real estate on the ice with the 3-on-3 format lays bare lesser skilled teams. For now, at least, we fit into that category.
  5. IMHO, Boudreau would not have moved the psychological needle on this team.
  6. This is a mentally fragile team now and has been for years. I blame coaching, to a point, but the "leadership" in the dressing room should also be addressing this.
  7. The stream is three minutes behind. I get to preview the collapse and then experience it in real time. ☹️
  8. He does have a very punchable face, according to Rob Wriggle.
  9. They seem to be playing a more controlled game today versus Saturday night.
  10. I though that we signed some old war horses glue factory ready, but we've got nothing on the Oilers. Plenty of dead hopes and dreams inside of that organization.
  11. I cannot speak for anyone else, but my prayers go out to your friend and his entire Congregation. Those are some unbelievably brave individuals. I'm relieved that they made it out of there.
  12. A little more of the effort from the game against Nashville would be a treat. I'm audio streaming only today, so I'll attempt to pick up on all of the nuances of the broadcast.
  13. They look tough even without Bosa in the lineup.
  14. This boggles my mind. They were us before we were us and they still haven't put it together. The clock has to be ticking inside McDavid's mind.
  15. His contract aside, I still don't agree with keeping VO on the ice right now. Each game, he becomes less effective, if that is even possible. Shut him down for a few weeks and let him heal up. Keeping him out there isn't doing anything for his perceived value, either.
  16. "The fact that they're not that good..." This is a trope that can only be extinguished by the Bills continuing to win. Nothing else will move the needle for some prognosticators.
  17. You and all on this list (you know who you are) who went to that game in that cold are some tough and hearty folks. I raise a glass to you all.
  18. This was satisfyingly entertaining, but feeds into a trope among some in the media that we're just not that good. Him saying that they're the Jets and that they didn't show up against us just doesn't give the Bills the credit that they deserve. I thought that the Pats started off well and brought their full game against us. We were just so masterful in game planning and execution that they never had a chance. All season long, I've been looking for the Bills to put it all together and resemble the Bills of 2020. Last night, they did that and surpassed that edition of the team. If they play like they did last night for three more games, then they're Superbowl champions because I cannot see any team keeping up with that kind of offensive and defensive attack, including the Packers.
  19. I hope it's just the cold with Bass. What was he, 51/51 on XP this season before tonight? He'll be alright.
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