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Dreams Burn Down

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Everything posted by Dreams Burn Down

  1. Lindy Post-Game: -Tage is okay. -We matched the Devils physical intensity. -Why wasn't a cross check called on the fourth goal?
  2. Kudos for the press actually bringing up the hit and lack of response to Dahlin in the post-game. He said they'd have to work on having a response(?!). He should be stripped of the C immediately. Zucker said that winning is the best response to the hit and that getting a 5- and 10- doesn't do the team any good. He also said he didn't see the hit. There's nothing to work on. You either have the back of your brothers on the ice or you don't. This team is gutless from the top down.
  3. I hope he's okay. The fact that he skated off on his own is encouraging.
  4. We escaped that one. The Sabres should really be coached by someone more befitting this team's make-up:
  5. One of your best gets taken out and virtually no on-ice response. No surprise there.
  6. Benson has that smirk on his face after the whistle. Love it.
  7. Welcome Back, Kotter was one of my favorite shows while growing up.
  8. Great work by Tage to set that up. Zucker, as usual, taking the beating in front of the net.
  9. The Sabres are out there chasing ghosts and standing around. Here come the boos.
  10. Nice far-side rocket by Kulich. This kid is really going to be something.
  11. That was a fantastic tribute to Rob; a very touching ceremony. I got choked-up when he thanked his mom and dad. Ryan Miller presenting the sabre to Rob was a nice touch (didn't the owner(s) do this in the past?). It's always a treat to see the Sabres of decades past. It reminds me that this franchise was relevant at one time. If anything could rekindle the dying embers of my love for this team, this was it. Then, I look at the current standings and I'm back to where I was before. Just win tonight for Rob.
  12. Maybe a holographic performance by Joe Byron will be next.
  13. That's how you answer the Bruins goal. What a release by Tage!
  14. Yes, thank you. May I have another?
  15. If you have to ask, you will never know. If you know, you need only ask.
  16. A co-worker (not a Bills fan) came into where I work today and jeeringly sang the Bills' Shout song. I couldn't go there. After all of these years of disappointment, I simply couldn't.
  17. I'm beginning to come around to this way of thinking. Benson and Kulich have become my two favorite Sabres for differing reasons. Muel, Cozens, Quinn, and JJP all had decent stretches before having the bottom fall out of whatever was there. Did the rest of the league figure out their games? Did the rudderlessness of this franchise break them? Has whatever potential that they had been permanently stifled? Were they simply not that good in the first place? Was it a combination of factors? The wash, rinse, and repeat of neglect to our young talent by this franchise shows no sign of ending. I'm just enjoying Benson and Kulich's play game by game. It's only a matter of time until they become like the others. This franchise has truly become death to player development and success.
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