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Everything posted by Kevbeau

  1. On paper, the Thrashers don't look scary, but the team is revamped this year. They are much more physical, which as we all know doesn't exactly play well for the Sabres.
  2. Why am I picturing the scene from Airplane where the flight attendent tells the passengers they're all out of coffee?
  3. "Is it impossible to get a cup of coffee-flavored coffee? You can get every other flavor except coffee-flavored coffee! They got mochachino, cappuchino, frappachino, Al Pacino, what the F#$%?" - Denis Leary
  4. "You're a great American....." That line drives me nuts and I don't even listen to him that much. My complaint is NESN. I hope they catch Ghonnorhea and die...just like Dan Marino. Seriously, it's some sort of sickness. I can't stand those chuckleheads, but I listen to them just because they piss me off. I hope the deepest darkest corner of hell is reserved for their color guy. :censored:
  5. A "leg hit" according to Arnold (asshat) I meay need anger management therapy afterl istening to these idiots.
  6. Haven't read the whole thread so forgive me if I'm repeating points.... I like the Bruins as an organization. They've always had grit and character, but these two lickbags (Arnold & Brickley) on NESN are Aaaaaaarrrrrghhh!!! I know RJ is a homer, but this is a whole different level. Also speaking of homerism :D , Boyes and Lydman was at best entertaining, but anyone else think Boyes should have got an instigator. His loves were off long before Lydman's.
  7. Man, I always doubt Vanek when he uses fake shots on shootouts, but that's what Huet must have been thinking cause he didn't even freakin flinch!!! Regardless if you're a Habs or Sabres fan, great game.
  8. All I can figure is they were making up for the non-call on MAir. That's about as blatant as interference gets. Last Sabre to touch him was just inside the blue line.
  9. Thank you sir. the kid has arrived.
  10. Who got the sixth? Sitting in class, trying to follow on nhl.com.
  11. * Great game by Vanek. I can't believe his patience on the GWG. * Stafford looks like he can hang. * I've always been a Soupy critic, but he's been by far our best defensman of late. He's also wearing off on Paetsche who has looked very solid. * I love when Gaustad and MAir come flying into the offensive zone. You know someone's getting railed. * Spacek has too many shots blocked. Fake the shot there "cannon." * Is it me or did Jokinnen interfere with Briere on the Panthers 4th goal, giving Montador an open shooting lane? * Panther is the Florida name for Mt. Lion.
  12. Nothing panicky about it. They're just observations from the past few games. And the past 10 or so I've watched on Center ice. I never expected the Sabres to run the table, but the last couple games have me concerned. We're not all made of concrete like you.
  13. For all things holy that was bad. * If I'm Ruff, Campbell is on my schiatlist for his tentative play along the boards in the defensive zone. Soupy...it's hockey...you're gonna get hit. (See about 7:00 into the 2nd for the most glaring example). PS Nice spin move, good thing Kaberle fell for it. * We need more garbage goals. Doesn't have to be pretty every time guys. Saw Ruff stuck Gaustad in front of the net near the end, so maybe he heard me cursing from GA. * Is it me or are the refs not calling intereference like they were in the past. Not just an observation from this game, but from watching a bunch of games on center ice. * I know some people sell their Laffs tickets to pay for seasons, and I don't fault you. But man it hurts watching rows of those lickbags bang on the glass towards the end. Looks like a short bus convention.
  14. Paul got him good with the stick. He was trying to back in Chara's face (returning the favor) and the stick sort of came over the top. Should have been a double minor.
  15. Man, I figured it was over. Sabres looked like a cocky team that was used to getting things their way. Sloppy play at the line and in their own end. Plus, taking low percentage passes and shots...which up until tonight had been going their way. Paetsche (sp?) struggled tonight and not just on the 4th goal. To be expected, but Soupy can't cover his mistakes. Also Soupy has to stop trying to shoot through people. He doesn't have the cannon required for that sort of strategy. I was questioning Ruff (not that I'm the only one guilty of that) for putting out the checking line with 2 minutes to go, but they came up big. Gaustad got away with one, but I feel no sympathy for Chara cause he gets a free pass for clocking people in the face because of his height. The Bruins announcers just can't let the diving thing go, can they? Also it's Daniel. not Danielle lickbags. Unfortunately it seemed Danny was MIA tonight. Max is man amongst boys out there and hopefully he's finally arrived. He's getting plenty of respect (i.e. SPACE) when he has the puck. People are worried that he'll turn them inside out. Sometimes the sweetest two points are the ones you steal. I think I'll go have a celebration brew.
  16. True, but he did try to sell that fake way to early in the shootout. Not a very original deke and Ward was ready for it....still better than all three Cane's shooters. Briere's backhand, on the other hand, was a thing of beauty. That puck went vertical in a hurry.
  17. Glad to see the term is now registered. The best thing the Sabres can do is play tonight like its game 7. Go for the jugular and don't let Ottawa wipe the blood of their nose.
  18. Anyone else having trouble with the radio feed from nhl.com? Nevermind, working now.
  19. Man, was this win sweet. Unfortunately there seemed to be a ton of Laffs fans there. Suck on that for the drive back on the Queen E. Observations: Tucker's hit on Briere was away from the play and from behind. Atypical for Darcy. Miller played great. He was a little off on the goal, however, it looked like it was deflected, defintely hit the post and bounced in off his back. I've never played goal, so I don't want to criticize, but don't you have to hug the pipe. Allison is done and Sundin while still a good player, isn't worth what they're paying him. The Leafs looked slow against the Sabres and don't have anyone to take it to the D on rushes. Kept shooting from the outside. Max sometimes makes you pull your hair out and other times makes your jaw hit the floor. The near miss early in the first by Hecht (setup by Briere and Dumont) was a thing of beauty. Every time I feel down I think of Briere for Gratton.
  20. I figured since it was RJ, I'd celebrate and crack a few cold ones open...usually don't do that during the week. Question I have is why (if there's a choice between feeds) would CI play a "newer" team's feed. For example, local Thrasher (or insert warm climate expansion team) fans can watch it on Turner South and the two Thrasher fans that don't live in Atlanta can experience the majesty of RJ. As for the relo teams I doubt there's any old Jet fans that still follow the Coyotes. Same for the Whalers - Canes, Stars and uh, Stars. If it had been the Sabres who moved insted of one of the aforementioned teams I wouldn't spend on penny or exert an ounce of interest on the "new' team.
  21. It's a long flight from Vancouver, plus he probably has to connect through Chicago or NY.
  22. Here's hoping that Center Ice carries the Sabres feed. I don't know if I can take the crapatastic Tampa announcing crew.
  23. Don't they play tomorrow night?
  24. Copied my post from "The Wall" Was at the game... Boring and sloppy in the 1st (both teams), but the Sabres, as usual, picked it up in the 2nd and beyond. As for the crowd...Sabres gear was all over the place. Thrashers fans were getting pissed at the loud chorus of "Lets Go Buffalo," every time they tried to start a "Let's Go Thrashers" chant. To quote the woman in front of me, "What are you all doing here, go back to Buffalo." Was even what I would call a Sabres pep rally (for lack of a better term) in the concourse between periods. "Let's Go Buffalo," filled the halls. Special recognition to the group up in 315 or 316, the Sabres would be lucky to have them at home games.
  25. I sure do. Sabres look much better after what I thought was a slow start. Miller looks amazing.
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