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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. He's spent five years building a team with a .500 ceiling.
  2. I ***** love hockey, man; and goddamn this team for making each season such an abject misery.
  3. Which of our forwards have good shots besides Tage? I feel like most of these guys are as likely to launch a saucer over the glass as hit the net.
  4. Maaaaan, I felt so good about the direction of this franchise during the last couple of months of the 2022/23 season. We looked like an actual good hockey team. Young guys were playing like future stars. Last year was wildly disappointing and frustrating, but hey, teams regress sometimes for a year and bounce back. This year? Proof that last year wasn't a minor set back. It was a regression to this team's mean. I can't anymore with this franchise. I'm all outta positivity. Going to be 14 years with no playoffs in the league where every year 50% of the league gets in. Adams needs to go. He had a plan, and he steadfastly stuck to it. Gotta admire that in a way. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work out. The sum of these parts just doesn't add up to a good team. Now should be the time to pay his bill. He has to go. I don't think Terry has the apple bag to jettison him mid season, but he needs to be gone as soon as the season is over.
  5. Name a worse loss in the last 3-4 years... It's over. Blow it up. Nobody on this roster should be untouchable. I'm not saying trade everyone, but you have to shake things up and that includes some of the supposed core.
  6. ***** this team. Who's job is it to wake Kevyn up? Might be time to, you know, do something. This team as currently constructed isn't going anywhere.
  7. Guess I shouldn't watch more?
  8. Games blacked out on ESPN+ in my area. Dammit. 🤬
  9. I'm done getting sucked in by these humps. Just assume the worst is coming and you won't be disappointed. If we're in a playoff spot after 82 games (LOL), cool.
  10. We got goalied. Sucks, but I can't get mad about it. On to the next one.
  11. I still believe they do, but they're gonna make us sweat until the end.
  12. 11-6-1 since stumbling out of the gate.
  13. This is bad hockey team tapdancing on us right now.
  14. So we're just not gonna play any defense tonight?
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