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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. Nothing is going to change as long as Kevyn Adams remains as GM. This roster & pipeline is largely his creation and he has been steadfastly stubborn in going outside of the organization for any real improvement because he seems to be convinced the roster he's built is good enough to win and just needs more time to develop. And each year, that can is getting kicked further down the road. This core of players is on their 3-4th year together. If he cannot see that the problem lies beyond their "youth" and more in the poor construction of the roster, he's a lost cause. They're not going to do anything this year because they are not serious about winning this year. They lost 13 straight games and the damn owner addressed the players and told them they are not making any moves. My only hope is that the pressure of a 14th straight playoff-less season will be enough for TP to finally move on from his boy and get some people in here that are serious about actually winning hockey games rather than sticking to a failing plan. I have my doubts that'll happen though. I think TP doesn't know much about hockey at all and has misplaced trust in KA who keeps selling him on the "youth" excuse...which he is taking hook, line, and s(t)inker.
  2. Let's be clear - the team is embarrassing. Not just their play in the second period today.
  3. I honestly don't know why he's wasting his time with this trash. Enjoy retirement.
  4. Was there at least ample boos, or better yet "FIRE ADAMS" chants?
  5. Been watching the NFL playoffs all day, so skipped this. Looks like I chose wisely. This organization is such a ***** mess.
  6. Gotta win a third before the next 3 game skid. 4-2 Sabres.
  7. This is what's so infuriating about this team: they'll have nights like this where they will tease you with what they're capable of...then follow it up with several sludge farts.
  8. I'm not watching, but sounds like this happened? These humps are sadly predictable.
  9. Brady Tkachuk will probably hurt a couple of guys tonight and nobody will do anything about it. Will they win or lose? ***** if I know.
  10. No. The past two seasons have been littered with fits and starts, but they've shown zero ability to sustain any kind of positive momentum. And there's a reason for this - they're not a very good team. There is talent here, as we see on occasion like last night, but the roster is horribly constructed, lacks toughness & grit, and doesn't know HOW to win. There is no reason whatsoever to believe this team has any shot at the playoffs. Not one. I cannot name one thing this team consistently does well.
  11. This is such a WEAK hockey team. It's embarrassing.
  12. I was just going to say something how about 2 seasons ago everyone was saying the Caps were entering a decline because their roster was aging and they had a bunch of holes. They have an actual management pyramid stacked with serious hockey people, made shrewd moves to improve their roster around their aging superstar and are currently, arguably, the best team in the league. And here we sit, with dumb and dumber in charge, going the other way with a poorly constructed roster and a front office unwilling to make any changes. Must be nice to root for a team that's actually serious about hockey.
  13. I don't have NHL Network, so thankfully I won't be tempted to tune in and gaze at the crash. I anticipate...
  14. Why should they? Terry, Kevyn have fostered a culture of excuse mongering. How many years have we heard they're the youngest team in hockey? Has anybody been held accountable for poor play? Does the FO make any real effort to improve the roster and get these "young" guys real help? They lost double-digits in a row and their anamorphic bologna sandwich owner flew in and told them he believes in them and no help is forthcoming. This organization is a case study in failed ownership and management.
  15. I honestly thought the end of the Kruger days was rock bottom, and yet here we are...right...back...down..in...the...muck...
  16. 16/19 L's...0 moves made. For a team with a stated goal of "playoffs."
  17. It'll take a minor miracle for this team to win 30 games.
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