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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. Exactly. Many of these guys could be/should be excellent players, but Adams has bungled the roster construction so badly that it's just a total mess.
  2. This entire organization is such a disaster at every level it's mind-boggling.
  3. We allow a goal pretty much every time we empty our net, don't we? Blistering tit whistles. All of 'em.
  4. I hate this team so much. I love hockey and this team suck every ounce of enjoyment out of it. Burn it down. Salt the earth.
  5. Phew. Not pretty, but need every W we can get. Not even thinking about the P word, these guys just need to learn how to win.
  6. Last night I experienced the highest of highs as a fan. Tonight I'm watching a team that has inflicted nothing but misery for a decade and a half. Why am I doing this to myself?
  7. I see no change. Lifeless, listless garbage.
  8. Yeah, those flying V uniforms are probably the worst of all time. Especially the yellow one.
  9. We're lucky it's only 2-1. Yawns are increasing, trying to decide if I even want to endure another period of this.
  10. I've always associated them with this logo/colors...probably because my hockey fandom came of age in the late 80's-early 90's. I've never liked the orca logo/uniforms.
  11. Deplorable defensive play. Can't even get organized enough to possess the puck and attack. This team stinks. They have concepts of a concept.
  12. This is gonna get out of hand. Another period that they haven't bothered to show up. Big surprise.
  13. I dig this Canucks third uniform. They should go back to that set permanently.
  14. Alright, time to come down from the National Championship euphoria. Guess I'll watch the last 2 periods. Do your worst, Sabres.
  15. Buckeyes are playing for a NC. I will pay no mind to this game.
  16. And allow a goalie goal the next game.
  17. Oh, there is talent here, but the whole is far less than the sum of its parts. I'm sure a large percentage of these guys could go on to be excellent players in a real hockey organization. But we have a nincompoop GM who doesn't give any consideration to putting a cohesive team on the ice. We have too many redundant pieces, no leadership, and a bunch of guys who have no idea how to win in this league. Then we have a bunch of store brand assistant coaches "coaching" these guys. It's mind boggling how poorly every segment of this organization is put together, from the owner, to the front office, to the coaches, all the way down to the players. And nothing will change because nobody in charge cares enough to do anything. And we're held hostage by their incompetence.
  18. Just when you think they've outdone themselves... Seriously, what's next? Goalie hat trick? Having to put a Zamboni driver in net? Getting BEAT by a Zamboni driver in their net??? Yes, but he just got Angry Birds on his phone.
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