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Everything posted by HumanSlinky39

  1. I don't think he was ever intentionally "dogging it", but could a malaise had set in from the constant losing? Sure. I think mentally he was broken here. Look at Cozens from 2022/23 and then this year's version. It was two completely different players. In 2022/23, he was making better decisions both ways, he was a solid passer/playmaker and he was decisive with his shots & shot selection. Since early last season, he's been a storm trooper with his passes, his shooting was poorly chosen and inaccurate, and he made horrible decisions in both zones. I don't think it was ever a talent issue with Dylan; I think it was all grey matter. Maybe he turns it around in Ottawa, maybe he doesn't. I haven't watched their 2 games with him, so I cannot speak to how he's playing, but many players get a temporary bump with their new team. Once the endorphins subside, a lot regress back to the mean. Maybe being in a playoff chase unlocks some of the potential he showed early on. Either way, we're better with Norris IMO because Dylan was hard broken and was never turning it around here.
  2. I found it interesting that last night the national broadcast team said multiple times that they expect the Sabres to be active this summer. That they expect them to upgrade/infuse the roster with veterans to compliment the young core and how it's time to start seeing real results from this "rebuild." I don't know how correct that will end up being, but they are 100% right. We are stocked up on young players/prospects/draft picks. Now is the time to ID who of the young core are the guys moving forward and start moving out the rest along with some of the prospects and draft picks to get good veterans in here to move this team forward. We're 14 years on with no playoffs. There isn't time to wait for any more young guys. Next season HAS to extend into May. Do I think any of the above will happen? Probably not. I don't expect them to move on from Adams and he is stubbornly attached to his "plan" that seems to be developing a winner almost entirely from within...despite the fact that this strategy is clearly not working. Maybe he'll surprise me. Maybe Terry will awaken from his slumber and realize that this isn't working and bring in a new GM to retool. Doubt it, but it's our only hope.
  3. Nice win. I thought they were gonna blow our doors off after the first few minutes. Had some help from the post, but UPL made some big saves, too. On to the next one
  4. Lot of puck luck our way for a change.
  5. Best I can do is "Seth Appert: HC in waiting."
  6. You want a kill? I can get you a kill. Hell, I can get you a kill by the end of this period. With Power.
  7. You don't go out looking to kill a penalty like that? On a weekday?
  8. So, so bad... Too many men, JFC...
  9. Good amount of orange in the crowd.
  10. LOL Zamboni door broken. **Harry Dunn voice** "We've got no stars, we've got no playoffs, OUR ZAMBONI DOORS ARE FALLING OFF!!!"
  11. Oilers are a great 2nd period team. Let's see if they can maybe not completely implode.
  12. Post again for the Oilers...that's a hat trick
  13. I have all kinds of sound issues with it, intermittent picture issues, too. Happens every game. The app is just garbage. Par for the course with the "world wide leader."
  14. God I hate espn+ Picture is garbage and the sound keeps dropping out. Every single game with this crap
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