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Standing Room Smoking Cigs

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Everything posted by Standing Room Smoking Cigs

  1. Continuing on my riff... If Adams blames outside things as to why players won't come here, why is he a GM? I don't know, maybe because he can't sell which is a GM is paid to do. Sorry Kevin boyo. but maybe spending time in the summers at Chautauqua Lake instead of fixing your mess is a look in the mirror thing.
  2. My problem with Adams is he doesn't have the Sabres pedigree that is a Sabres general manager. Being of an age going back to Punch, our GM's were bold. They made moves. Adams is soooó gun shy. Hell, even though Murray flamed out, he tried. That is sad thing about Adams. He forgets to take the balls off the mantle, because he got comfortable. That is an indictment.
  3. The Sabres are exasperating... So now I just need Lebeau's POW strudel to feint Sgt Schultz...and all will be right in the world... Yep, it has come this...🤪🤪🤪
  4. Yeesh... The best ever... childhood hero sitting in the red section facing north.... "No one scores a goal like Gilbert.... 74 candles, now but still a 20 year superstar in my child's eye of then.
  5. This is playoff hockey Refs are going to let hitting tonight....
  6. So I'm tuned into the the game today.... virtual side board ads for La Nova.... Hah... billions of wings sold.... Hah.... no offense to them, I'm Irish and I embellish... but really!.... no offense to those who may be offensed.... but c'mon... The Irish own embellishment....🤣
  7. I probably got age on you kid.... Buffalonili!🤣
  8. No offense to UPL.... he has been playing great.... but for the love of Pete.... he really needs a dental appointment... Now before you flame me... I'm old, a denture guy.... and yes, it has made my life better.... (which I wish I done years ago... and played hockey, box lacrosse ans spit out teeth)... the kid is are goalie...
  9. I understand trades, but they're still kids who mostly billet with families, supposedly still in school. Many questions which I don't the answers. If they sign with the draft club, do they get the bonus?... Over 18 do they get their own housing?... Just asking... It's seems like a lot to put on kid still.
  10. I know the cap has something to do with this, so many teams near or at the limit... but the life span of an NHL coach is getting pretty precarious.
  11. Don't get it... if it's 4th line player who goes?... Not that our 4th line is setting on the world on fire Do we move Z to recover a higher round pick? Do we move Krebs, salvaging a pick?.... I'm to the point where instead of watching the Sabres I'm just going to revert to childhood rubbing Elmer's glue on my hands, let it dry and eat it.. (I've been contemplating this for the last six years of the extended playoff drought)
  12. In Tahoe!!! https://www.yahoo.com/news/lake-tahoe-hockey-team-owned-213427823.html...🤣
  13. Pinto gambling was outed and probably part of the bargaining agreement.... There is something we don't know, but Chicago I'm sure has an iron clad reason for this... morals clause
  14. Of course you're AITHA.... but i's the internwebs that newfangled thing. I argue out of my butt, knowing I'm not gonna slugged. Back in the way back '80's my brother and his friends would get drunk and argue whether a pea shooter really shot a a pea, which it did and seek a fight if others said it was a plant in a bar with Niagara Falls people I can remember many times when I got kicked in the face, because of them... I fought back but, boy I took a licking as those idiots (my brother and said friends) just wanted to brawl.... Here you may get a little pissed off and think, but you don't have explain the shiner the next day... and listen to your better half telling you to lose the friends... It is all perspective!!!
  15. Perry did something wrong... if it was an issue involving a mental, alcohol, drug problem it would have been addressed by the collective bargaining. Lord knows what happened, but it is outside of the parameters of NHLPA deal. I know the rumors are out there and i really think it is bunk, could be wrong... but Chicago, really after the Beach fiasco, knows they have an airtight reason.... Perry screwed up somewhere and Chicago after covering it up the Beach situation, needed to lance the boil. Don't know what happened, but I guarantee they have the goods on their decision.
  16. I blame the Newfs.... St. John's Bin Newf is a dead man...
  17. Hah.... my failure at links... I thought were epic... nope... this takes the cake...🤣
  18. Yeesh... I agree the Bills go south, hoping the Sabres make the step... Well so much for holiday wishes!!! (seems to be a recurring theme... for years). I applaud Adams for bringing in the young talent... but isn't this starting to turn out out to the wash, rinse and repeat of the Bowman era (can't beat the Bruins, thank god the Leafs sucked backed then under Ballard)... Great players drafted, yet they are remembered elsewhere for accomplishing cup glory when they get into the HOF... Adams needs to shake it up... Florida shook it up and look what they got, a heart... a trade that seems to be a steal cap wise and momentum... (which makes an owner happy, revenue wise)... Developmental coaches are what they are, they develop kids for the next step, Granato ain't dealing with kids anymore, yet he seems to have the mindset it's the next step... no offense... but the NHL is the last step... if the players are trying to take a step at the top of the floor with no steps... Houston... we have a problem!!!
  19. I would think breaking the wrist is an easier comeback... breaking your thumb is way worse...depending on the location, the thumb doesn't get mobility back... ever... and I'm a proud owner of doing both multiple times in my stupid youth...
  20. McDavid's move is not going only to be facilitated but by what Edmonton gets, which is a hard get in the salary cap era, but the league partners, the media and streaming potential revenue. If you're not a Top Ten media market, or a flashy market, regardless of the trade, the NHL will nix it, and probably nix a trade to a Canadian team... NHL wants in him ESPN/TNT land which is 7:30 PM Eastern/Central... start times which is the bread and basket of NHL viewers especially ... All Connor vs. Connor or a Connor game all the time... Sports leagues are cartels... Gretzky in LA was great for building expansion, but who the heck ever got to watch him back then? Same with McDavid, most of you can count on 1 hand how many times you stayed up to watch, I get HNIC in my area and it is still too late to watch him on a Saturday on the East Coast... Original Six territory...
  21. Ick.. the fallout still continues... no offense to Bowman and Joel Q.... but no... there is no place for them in the NHL... and the Black Hawks should pay a price... https://www.yahoo.com/sports/ex-blackhawks-player-sues-team-alleges-he-was-sexually-assaulted-by-brad-aldrich-203857392.html
  22. Makar deserves credit for what he's done, but he's no Orr. If you're basing on the games played, Orr played the best against the best in his first year before expansion. Only defenseman to win the Art Ross Trophy (twice). He paved the way for all others. As to Perreault, superstars of his era will say and do say he was the most talented hockey player they ever saw....
  23. Obviously, I'm not foodie when it comes to Mexican food, I prefer ETS, but Mighty holds a dear special horror place in my heart. Grab a chair, maybe a beer and I'll regale in the last time I had Mighty. Spring of '87, I just turned 23 and after a Thursday visit to the local bar after work, I decided to stop in the City of Tonawanda and grab 3 Super Mighty's. Wise choice at the time, they were cheap, filling and tasty. 8 hours later... I get the flu, no one is home as it's a Friday and parts of the family were going to weddings in Detroit and Chicago. Worst 2 1/2 days of my life. I had liquid coming out of every orifice of my body, including the ears! The odors where horrendous as it smelled like Mighty Taco. I l felt like death, looked like death and was welcoming death. I haven't a Mighty since, nope can't do it! 3 lessons learned that weekend, when people would call in sick with the "flu" and arrive perky the next day, I'd tell them, nope no flu and relate my story. I got my flu shot every year since. Lastly, that Mighty in Tonawanda was such easy picking for the police if you lived on Grand Island and decided after drinking on the Island, going to Mighty was a bad thing. I can't tell you how many people got DWI's going there, driving past the police station to the South Grand Island bridge. Can't eat Mighty the PTSD is still strong today!!!🤣🤣🤣
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