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Everything posted by Dryballs

  1. Florida is one hell of a talented team. I was surprised how chippy they played though..... Mitts, Joker and a few others need to toughen up their game. (ya can't be afraid to get a bloody nose. It's part of imposing your will) ... It's only game two and I think it's gunna be a lot of fun watching these guys evolve and hopefully flourish this year. .. GO SABRES
  2. Cmon Dahlin ! At least knock the dipchits had off your throat/jersey
  3. Love the way this guy plays especially when he pastes people to the boards. Very smart signing. The Sabres are heading in the right direction on many levels. .... freakin awesome!!
  4. I wanna see how coach G evolves with the changes we will see with the team in general as they evolve/improve. .... I think the man insightful/intelligent enough to evolve with his approach as the team grows. ..... This is gunna be cool as hell to watch close. ..... I'm confident in what they're doing. ....GO SABRES
  5. I hate to admit it but I pretty much gave up on Skinner and thought of him as a $$ liability. Now it seems as though he's been playing better than ever. His movement in limited space is amazing. Hope he can maintain this level of intensity more often than not.
  6. Sabres or Bills ... doesn't matter... we're killin it. We deserve it. .... Hell, we are it. N they know it. ..... Thank you Pegula's ..... WNY coulda been non big league without youz guyz. ...... So from the Amerks to the Bills this is some pretty special stuff goin on.
  7. They're obviously in need of some parts (#1 goalie) but holy crap these guys play for him (Granato). ... It's freaking amazing to see the fire in Skinner. There's simply no telling how much some of the young guys will improve but they're no longer so "easy to play against"
  8. After watching Tage Thompson's seemingly sudden development this year, ya can't help but wonder who's next. I didn't see this coming with him. I think much credit has to go to coaching but the confidence and physical improvement is simply human maturation. Who's next! ... So glad they kept Granato. Especially with all the young talent on the team and in the system. Cerebral guy who understands what makes players tick.
  9. Kid didn't seem a bit out of place. .... Looks like he's part of the solution. .... Future's so bright..... gotta wear shades. .... Granato gets it . Started with making K.O. and Zem captians..... Wise start..... Now you see kids maturing and a system developing/playing out pretty efficiently. .... This is good stuff!
  10. Yo Casey... Thanks for passing up those shots with a screen so we could rely on a lucky bounce winner! Right on...... Please trade this gutless boy
  11. Can't believe I'm seeing Rasmus Dahlin playing with balls!! ....Awesome!!
  12. Bullshneet! ... full intent to injure
  13. I like the kid . Sure do wish he'd work to muscle up his spindly neck this off season though. .... However over all, this this team is starting to grow in several ways. They're not all that far from being a good team. This is encouraging and fun ass all hell to watch n root for. ..GO SABRES
  14. That was the time for RD to throw some high torque lasers at Mathews... If he doesn't know how, he better learn
  15. No... Did I miss something. Couldn't handle it.
  16. Is that Gretz who won't stop rambling? ..Unreal.. Whoever the hell it is oughta be taken behind the barn and shot. .... GO SABRES
  17. This isn't gunna buy the NHL any new customers. Terrible broadcast. Rambling, boring BS. zzzzzzzzzzzz yay TNT. Holy sht..
  18. Rides from strangers .. hop on that bus dude
  19. They're no longer easy to play against. Look unified. ..Granato gets it. He's a smart man and coach. ..... Future bright.. gotta wear shades.
  20. You gotta be really open minded / unrealistic to think Dahlin shouldn't be flushed. ... Yay smooth nonproductive move once a week. ... Cut bait
  21. Ya can't play like a sissy. Ya gotta give out at least as much as you get...... Is this not obvious ?? .. A fast, passionate freaking competition. Ya gotta wanna. ... Sports psyc 101
  22. If they had utilized the Dryballs "stand set and deliver" mindset, they would have at least made themselves "hard to play against"... I like how they're progressing with the rebuild but tonight is when you find out who has a little snarl in their game. ... You don't have to fight but ya gotta muscle up.
  23. Don't mouth off while skating backwards..... Plant, set and let them know you'll deliver. .. That's how not to be a *****
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