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Everything posted by sabrefanday1

  1. With a lot of other teams struggling (see the Leafs) it becomes clear that there will be teams looking for new coaches soon which seems to me would mean that the Sabres need to move NOW and move out the coaching staff and go after one of the experienced coaches not employed currently. It is clear that this team is going nowhere and need a change fast...a new coach will also be better able to dictate what is needed to improve the roster (mainly a goalie and some veteran toughness. Then GMKA needs to ask KO to give up the captaincy and we need someone to lead this team that right now is not getting any sort of leadership. Absolutely crazy to go on with this team as it stands now...we let last year go to waste and now this year looks even more dismal. At least they were exciting and scored lots last year. I can accept effort and if they are entertaining. This team this year is anything but... My choice is maybe Gallant? Any thoughts on a new coach???
  2. While we certainly are erratic this year, we have missed key players and apparently tired to change the team's style from last year of attack at all cost which clearly did not work (they claim they are slowlly going back to what worked last year). While it sucks to lolse, it is not like other teams are not without their own struggles...Mathews is scoring so much he is liable to score 100 yet the leafs lose to us 9-3 and then lose to Ottawa 4-2 last night. Colorado loses again last night; NYI lose at home 7-0 to Pittsburg. If we were the only team struggling at times I guess I would be more concerned. The league is getting more and more competitive and it is hard to win consistently. No team is on any sort of winning streak. Oh Vegas lost again too. All these struggling teams are not going to fire their coach. Levi is clearly the future and is slowly gaining much needed experience. If we had him last year we would have made the playoffs. Sucks we were so close...
  3. It is clear that when we play a team with a coach that has any idea at all how to coach, we lose. Likewise, when we play a team like the Laughs whose coach is worse then Donnie and these yteams let us play "our" game which of course is no defense and who scores the most, we typically win. heck even Colorado keeps losing becuase they do not adjust, just go out and think they will win just as we do. Tonight's game proves this team can and will win when allowed toplay their game. The BIG problem is that most other teams have goo dcoaches who adjust and play a trap style which nullifies our offense just about every time. And yes, we are a young team(I know some hate to hear that but it is true) who has not learned how to adjust to other teams yet when they adjust (if that makes any sense). Anyways, Merry Christrmas! I am sure the Rangers will be scrooge and shoot down our hopes again so we can get back to trash talking the team yet again...
  4. Who cares? Detroit has stunk since signing him...coincidence? I dont' believe in coincidences and besides Kane is the exact oppostie of what this team needs. It does not need another floater... I wish for Marcus back for Xmas (or someone to add some muscle please)
  5. At this point we are clearly in some cases under-evaluating some players...Power (and a host of other players) would be amazing on another team trust me. Boston would take a pile of our players right away and they'd be excellent all of a sudden. I so think we should explore trades for tougness (which should not cost any of our "core" guys)
  6. If it is any consolation Colorado lost to Chicago and Ottawa with their nice new coach blew a 3-0 lead and lost 4-3. I guess we are not the only team in crsis mode...Oilers lost third straight after looking so good with their new coach. begs the question: will a new coach really help in the long run?
  7. I get to watch a lot oof hockey up here in Ontario as Sportsnet brings a ton of games and when I watch other teams like the Leafs they too get amazing goaltending night after night (which we have not got to yet...hopefully soon our goaltending will become consistent). I have seen the Leafs be down 10-1 in shots but up 1-0. I really do not care whatsoever what the shots are at the end of the game...we outshot many teams this year and lost. So what! We are just not use to gettting NHL caliber goaltending. Looks like Levi is going to be real good fo rsure! On another note, it seems like Sportsnet loves the Bruins and have them on lots, and I have to say their announcers are by far the most obnoxious and annoying by far! I often watch just to hope the B's lose so I can hear them whine and make excuses...
  8. Yesterday was my birthday (born on a Friday the 13th long time ago) and after my nasty heart attack in 2010 I have been going to bed early as I get tired real easy now and my son asked if I was going to try and stay up to watch the game..I luaghed and said I had no interesat in staying upo to see them get blown out. Sure enough look this morning...I am a day one fan and loved this team with passion (they had passion too years ago) and drove down from north of Toronto to see them nany times way back but now I have lost total interest which is so sad. It is hard to watch this team play and I have no doubt that almost all of our players on another team would do really well. I do no tfeel the team is not talented..rather they are not inspired nor motivated apparently. And they sure are not tough enough. I miss the days when we played tough hockey (and I still regret trading Marcus)...aside from a coaching change there is nothing that can right this sinking ship this year...
  9. Yea I said last week that I wtahced Philly and they played real well....Torts has a way of getti ng the most out of players for a few years then his welcome wears off. Mind you I think that the love affair with Meatballs has turned sour too...
  10. As I have been saying the whole league generally is completely unpredictable these days. I use to make good money betting on games via ProLine but thes days it is so hard to predict scores...sure bet-team slike Colorado getting blown out and Philly as a example actually far surp[assing anyone's expectations. We are still a young team (and that is not a excuse people like to hear). UPL is stil young by a goalie's standard (often they do not come into their own until in thei rlate 20's). And as I figured, there is far less pages for this win then when they lose...we as Sabre fans are so use to doom and gloom I guess...
  11. I'd take Sam back in a heartbeat (I never wanted to let him go)...OH and I would have never traded Marsuc and he could clean that guy from Winnipeg...
  12. Had to come and look...far less pages for ther win over Pittsburg then this loss. I actually agree with Harrington who points out other teams are getting bombed too...Leafs lose to Chicago then to Pittsburg last night. Jersey has been struggling and were due to break out big time and it has to be our beloved Sabres! Clearly there are two ways to play against us...one way we do well...other way, we suck. This does not worry me anymore then a 1-0 loss. This team simply cannot lose TT and Quinn and not feel it...hopefully we are still close when they return. Oh and Philly and Montreal seem to be the powerhouses right now LOL...
  13. Ah man we need a big win here...gotta stop Cindy and Malkin
  14. Hi: I am looking to buy three tickets to the Sabers home game versus Detroit Tuesday March 12,2024. Please let me knwo if you have for sale! Cheers
  15. Watched Philly/Vegas yesterday...I can see why Philly beat us...they out played Vegas and as much as I hate to say this, Torts was cool and has the team playing good, hard hockey. If only the Sabres played with half as much itensity...
  16. I was truly worried that last year was "our" year" and we missed the boat. Almost evey rplayer had banner years and we came up one poitn short...if we had made the playoffs it would have relieved so much pressure that is now being felt. There is no way to expect players to have the kind of years they all had last year thus it only makes sense that we would go down, not up in the standings. We also under-estimtated a bunch of teams in our conference. assuming that they would be the teams to regress, yet hell Washington is suddenly winning every game. With Tage out things are really looking morbid; time to let Levi go to Rochester and make a few trades as someone suggested; a goalie, a tough rugged forward and maybe even a d-man although this is not on the defense alone. This is a team thing, and maybe time will allow the team to work this out. Probalem is, by the time we "work this out" we will be again too far behind to make the playoffs yet again; and I do think missing the playoffs this year is a major fail, what with all the big contracts they threw at palyers clearly expecting better then this... Time for Gallant (even if it is as co-coach and keep Donnie around for whatever reason...
  17. If it is any consolation just about EVERY team in the NHL are playing terribly inconsistently...it clearly is not easy to win evey game (maybe for Vegas)...teams we need to catch for any chance of making the playoffs are struggling too at times (and at other times look great just as we have been doing thsi year thus far). I do regret however that we did not build a better fourth line with some muscle (I Istill miss Marcus) and better veteran leadership. resigning KO and Girgs were big mistakes. Oh well on to the next game. Like riding a teeter tooter...up and down we go...young team learning with every game
  18. tough games up next...need a big win here!
  19. I cannot help but laugh at the Oilers game and the result...losing to Vancouver 8-1 is absolutely absurd. There is no excuse for losing that bad to any team, never mind Vancouver, a team that was thought to be not very good and lacking offense. Boeser with 4 goals! Of course leon scored from his buddy so they got their points which seems to be the only thing that matters. Leafs defense looks real good again this year haha...
  20. Laughs add Reaves...Bruins add Lucic and niw Sens add MacEwan. Looks like good hockey is back! Wonder where that leaves us?
  21. He is my cousin's stepson...glad he got a nice new contract and has achance to win big with Carolina but he really wanted to stay with the Laughs being a Toronto born guy. He plays hard and yes I really hope KA would sign him back before he signed with Toronto 3 years ago. Meanwhile Toronto replaces junk with junk...Reaves is a joke but he will fight Lucic every time they play. That'll be good for a laugh...
  22. Hell maybe Jack will take the season off...
  23. Calgary sure are a mess...then Toronto actually signs Treliving as their new GM...really is comical
  24. Truth is there are a pile of teams looking for the great top-defenseman we are also looking for. It sure isn't easy getting that or everybody would have them. Asking price will no doubt be so high I doubt KA will give away what other teams are asking. I have no problem with what we have moving forward which is better then, and younger then most other teams. Still think better goaltending, along with a more determined effort defensively by the whole team in general will make a huge differnece.
  25. I watched the game and boy `Vegas were pretty bad first half with like 10 shots on goal. Both team sare so slow...almost thought it was being shown in slo-mo.
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